January 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Jan 1 05:00:40 UTC 2006
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:59:27 UTC 2006
Messages: 5282
- [mythtv-users] Pvr-500 or Plextor ConvertX, reliability.
- [mythtv-users] Lost Sound on PVR-350 After Upgrade to IVTV 0.4.1
Kirk Bocek
- [mythtv-users] Do I really need a mouse on the frontend?
John Andersen
- [mythtv-users] how to feed 1280x720p to a large TV?
Eyal Lebedinsky
- [mythtv-users] how to feed 1280x720p to a large TV?
- [mythtv-users] My wireless keyboard/mouse/remote setup
mike choy
- [mythtv-users] Xlib problem
Justin Skaggs
- [mythtv-users] Slight OT: Keeping your systems clean
Carrison, Stuart
- [mythtv-users] One For All remote
Scott Bickford
- [mythtv-users] Re: Who do you have to kill to ACTUALLY get
Steve Nuffer
- [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 and channels.conf
Michael Freeman
- [mythtv-users] Hiding channels to avoid scheduling shows on them
- [mythtv-users] Do I really need a mouse on the frontend?
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] ssh attack
Michael Starks
- [mythtv-users] Media MVP frontend causing myth backend to crash
Dave Ansell
- [mythtv-users] Toshiba 36" HDTV component vid
inputs with GeForce6600 card
Thomas R. Bruce
- [mythtv-users] Still Can't Get pcHDTV-3000 Installed
Drew Tomlinson
- [mythtv-users] I'm getting TV-Out Flicker
Jim Duda
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Ross Campbell
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
George Nassas
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
David Snider
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Jens Baumeister
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brian Edmonds
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brad DerManouelian
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brian Edmonds
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Brian Edmonds
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV - Now Ubuntu
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV
Wade Maxfield
- [mythtv-users] how to feed 1280x720p to a large TV?
Calvin Harrigan
- [mythtv-users] MythTV, smooth playback on 3ghz, and 1080i?
- [mythtv-users] Re: New issue affect old previously unaffected build
[WAS Re: [mythtv] Re: Ticket #900: HDTV at greater than 1.0
speed stutters
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Re: Wits end
Rodney D. Myers
- [mythtv-users] ALSA:default on an intel8x0 - no sound
Jonathan Markevich
- [mythtv-users] Zap2it problems
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] .swf files in mythbrowser
Grant Kwok
- [mythtv-users] My wireless keyboard/mouse/remote setup
Steve Hodge
- [mythtv-users] Re: No Closed Captioning
Beny Spensieri Jr
- [mythtv-users] how to turn off kscd autorun?
Mark Rissberger
- [mythtv-users] Lost Sound on PVR-350 After Upgrade to IVTV 0.4.1
Kirk Bocek
- [mythtv-users] Follow symlinks when deleting
Nick Bloch
- [mythtv-users] Serious concerns about LiveTV Ringbuffer chang es
- a Q for develo pers
Byron Poland
- [mythtv-users] Live Playback of HDTV isn't smooth
Byron Poland
- [mythtv-users] HDTV Playback "pixelation"
Michael Cheshire (Mailing Lists)
- [mythtv-users] Trouble with Install... Gave up unless help can be
given. :(
- [mythtv-users] XvMC/VIA issue with certain recording
Joe Orton
- [mythtv-users] can't read superblock
Brian Donaldson
- [mythtv-users] removed store files,
myth still thinks recording are there
falstaff at lennon.postino.com
- [mythtv-users] Microsoft Remote Keyboard
Justin Clacherty
- [mythtv-users] mythweb errors
Michael Luich
- [mythtv-users] Mythdvd using VLC?
Mark deJong
- [mythtv-users] Default input on TV tuner card
ozizaeb at comcast.net
- [mythtv-users] Backend Error: Plugin uses single threaded Qt library
Greg Grotsky
- [mythtv-users] SPDIF digital volume control - Do I have it right?
ozizaeb at comcast.net
- [mythtv-users] still transcoding after disabling in recording
Brian J. Murrell
- [mythtv-users] mencoder help...
Chris Petersen
- [mythtv-users] Frontend crash when watching live TV
Fedor Pikus
- [mythtv-users] Tidying up old recording schedules
Dave Ansell
- [mythtv-users] Watch different live TV channels on each frontend
- [mythtv-users] PVR 250 sound troubles
Tom E. Craddock Jr.
- [mythtv-users] Re: ALSA:default on an intel8x0 - no sound
Jonathan Markevich
- [mythtv-users] New IVTV 4.1 Stable issues
Thomas Börkel
- [mythtv-users] Sorting shows by name
Chris Rouch
- [mythtv-users] [FM tuner on a pvr350]
- [mythtv-users] mythlcd
- [mythtv-users] Quick question - Do I have to kill backend before I
re-run mythv-setup?
Kirk Grell
- [mythtv-users] Wireless Keyboard Questions -- Belkin MediaPilot
worth it?
Dewey Smolka
- [mythtv-users] mythdvd -- use pvr350 audio out?
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] Lost Sound on PVR-350
Kirk Bocek
- [mythtv-users] Easiest way to burn shows to DVD?
Dave Ansell
- [mythtv-users] Myth 0.18: Recorded vs. Recordedprogram
Larry K
- [mythtv-users] Who do you have to kill to ACTUALLY get
MythGames/xmame working?
Jeff Clemens
- [mythtv-users] @ PVR-250's only one loaded???
- [mythtv-users] Newbie hard drive question - PVR350 / KnoppMyth
Philip Isaacs
- [mythtv-users] Problem populating mythtv with channel information
(missing PIDS)
LJ Wilkinson
- [mythtv-users] Redirecting PVR-350 audio to soundcard for live TV /
Jan Kat
- [mythtv-users] Sweet! PC HD3000 QAM_256 working,
now about importing those channels?
Adam Gianola
- [mythtv-users] ssh attack
- [mythtv-users] autotranscode old shows?
Paul V. Gratz
- [mythtv-users] [OT] UK DVB Satellite in US
Nathan Ford
- [mythtv-users] Compiling from source, question on configure output
David Haertig
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend on windows
Rick van der Mieden
- [mythtv-users] Frontend - Backend : Connectivity
- [mythtv-users] pvr 150 mce troubles
David at kurowski.net
- [mythtv-users] How do I add existing avi files to mythtv's
William Kenworthy
- [mythtv-users] Playback colors wrong, looks like blue filter
Ian Butler
- [mythtv-users] Re: yet another mythtv theme "RETRO"
Craig Tinson
- [mythtv-users] Why can't loader find this library? It's there.
David Haertig
- [mythtv-users] Twinhan VisionDTV Remote Control and USB dongle.
Terry Dawson
- [mythtv-users] MythTV Book
Terry Dawson
- [mythtv-users] yet another mythtv theme "RETRO"
Dave Hofstra
- [mythtv-users] mc.sql in FC4
Jeff Wormsley
- [mythtv-users] OSD Font has overlapping lines
Byron Poland
- [mythtv-users] Struggling with Xwindows DVI to HDTV 1080i
Dan Christian
- [mythtv-users] LABEL=/video does not exist
Brian Donaldson
- [mythtv-users] Minimum hardware requirements for a Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Diskless(& Slow) Front End Possible?
Ow Mun Heng
- [mythtv-users] Phoenix AZ Cox QAM DVB HD-3000 and Basic Cable
- [mythtv-users] directv.pl within MythTV
Kirk Grell
- [mythtv-users] only left speakers for tv recordings
Brian Stults
- [mythtv-users] Re: Playback colors wrong, looks like blue filter
Ian Butler
- [mythtv-users] Left Channel Audio Only - LiveTV and Recordings
Tom Gutwin
- [mythtv-users] Re: Re: Frontend crash when watching live TV (Doug
Brett Swaim
- =?gb2312?q?=BB=D8=B8=B4=A3=BA=20Re:=20[mythtv-users]=20Load=20error=20EPG?=
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] Re: MythTV Book (Raviv)
Raviv Levi
- [mythtv-users] Video output of MythTV
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] Media library only showing films
rob.mythtv at robertwillett.com
- [mythtv-users] Archiving to DVD?
Fredrik Karlsson
- [mythtv-users] Re: Re: Re: Playback colors wrong,
looks like blue filter
Ian Butler
- [mythtv-users] DVICO remote + lircd
jason bright
- [mythtv-users] Transcode profile selection
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv-users] finetune svn vs. stable
- [mythtv-users] Graphical boot on a PVR 350 ?
Fredrik Karlsson
- [mythtv-users] SVN MythWeb error in changing keybinding
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Can't launch nuv-file using the mythweb
Marlies Dorfer
- [mythtv-users] Alternate source of TV Listings?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] SIS Chipset / PVR 350
Philip Isaacs
- [mythtv-users] RE: Wireless Keyboard Questions
- [mythtv-users] Re: Archiving to DVD?
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T card recommendation
Steve Davies
- [mythtv-users] What Windows codec do I need to play avi's from
Kirk Grell
- [mythtv-users] nuvexport name
- [mythtv-users] Important information concerning DataDirect's
James Oltman
- [mythtv-users] Slow frontend GUI since upgrade from X.org 6.8.2 to
Tino Keitel
- [mythtv-users] fusion hdtv 5 gold or lite?
- [mythtv-users] No channels in db,
but mythfilldatabase says "Data is already present"
- [mythtv-users] OT Recommended Modem for Cid
Scott Starkey
- [mythtv-users] Updating list of HDTV tuners for the HOWTO
Robert Kulagowski
- [mythtv-users] Google Earth under WINE!
Ross Campbell
- [mythtv-users] X Output on PVR-350
David R Robison
- [mythtv-users] Starting up mythfrontend automatically?
Robert Kulagowski
- [mythtv-users] http://www.irblaster.info/ & DCT2524
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Nuvexport to an Archos AV500?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Live TV looks odd after upgrade (and other stuff)
Eric Ladner
- [mythtv-users] Nuvexport to an Archos AV500?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] OT Recommended Modem for Cid
Scott Starkey
- [mythtv-users] Unable to view test recording?
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv redirecting to localhost
Jake Sanders
- [mythtv-users] Choppy video and sound
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] choppy sound; was: Re: choppy sound & lousy picture
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Move Program Details to Info screen in Watch
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] MySQL DB error
Elliott Rezny
- [mythtv-users] nuppel video codec
Jeremy Fergason
- [mythtv-users] ATOM Feed for new shows
Daniel Sheppard
- [mythtv-users] rebuild recordedprograms table?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Sound issues
Dylan R. Semler
- [mythtv-users] Network error in dmesg
Joacim J
- [mythtv-users] Re: yet another mythtv theme "RETRO"
gerhard aldorf
- [mythtv-users] Australian Free TV guide/grabber script.
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv redirecting to localhost
Jens Baumeister
- [mythtv-users] Newbie - Feeding mythtv back end with VLC-like
network streams ?
- [mythtv-users] freeze when switch to record
Cyber Source
- [mythtv-users] upsampling/upconverting dvd?
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Help with Dish 301 receiver
Dan Wilga
- [mythtv-users] Re: No Closed Captioning
Beny Spensieri Jr
- [mythtv-users] myth and mplayer picture controls
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] suggestion
A Desai
- [mythtv-users] Two new problems with nuvexport
- [mythtv-users] PVR-350 Clear & PVR-150 With Static
Jeff Thurston
- [mythtv-users] How to clean up confused metadata?
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] Strange behavior with LIRC for pause button
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] Popup menus occasionally unresponsive with LIRC
Wendy Seltzer
- [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?
Joshua Ferraro
- [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth R5A26 and Hauppauge Nova-T
Myth TV
- [mythtv-users] nuvexport --> ASF
John Andersen
- [mythtv-users] Strange glitches/pops
Cory Zerwas
- [mythtv-users] Strange recording and playback issues after crash
Bruce J Keeler
- [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth R5A30
Cecil Watson
- [mythtv-users] ATI HDTV Wonder with MythTV?
Randall Blecher
- [mythtv-users] Help with Dish 301 receiver
Endaf Jones
- [mythtv-users] slow startup, channel change
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] Firewire 6200ch.c: Use Frequency ID Instead of
Channel Number?
Jason Sharpe
- [mythtv-users] MythTV w/Firewire in Ubuntu
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] mythcommflag without using the DB
Pranav Desai
- [mythtv-users] .19 on Ubuntu working sort of
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Frontend looking for files in strange places
Fedor Pikus
- [mythtv-users] Fwd: Problem with XvMC being slow
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] ScreenPlay 5000 Modelines?
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Re: Archiving to DVD?
- [mythtv-users] I want to an complete XML file which stored EPG data
from offcial DataDirct
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] High mythtv CPU usage on EPIA SP8000
John Roe
- [mythtv-users] Leadtek Winfast PVR 2000 remote control
Bryan Bennetts
- [mythtv-users] New ATI Tuner that supports Cablecard
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Edit Mode overlay menu?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Do I need a new DVI cable for 1080p?
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] samsung TV and firewire output
Todd Hutchinson
- [mythtv-users] SVN lossless MPEG2 transcode for HD process question
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Do I need a new DVI cable for 1080p?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] color adjustments to pvr-350
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] ongoing DataDirect problems?
Andrew Gallatin
- [mythtv-users] RE: fusion hdtv 5 gold or lite?
- [mythtv-users] How to unsubsribe
- [mythtv-users] Viewing and controlling HD content from Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Project Grayhem <<WIDE>> theme now available
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] Singe DVB tuner, two channel recording
Matthew Geier
- [mythtv-users] ATI HDTV working...
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] no audio during livetv
Rick van der Mieden
- [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 180
Todd Hutchinson
- [mythtv-users] samsung TV and firewire output
Todd Hutchinson
- [mythtv-users] Rip DVD from frontend?
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] How do I eject the CD/DVD?
Tom Hines
- [mythtv-users] using mythtv (gentoo) cannot change to anything
above 122
Rodney D. Myers
- [mythtv-users] Watching live TV when recording from another show
Jonathan Smith
- [mythtv-users] Re: A/V Sync issue (searched through list,
and followed howto.) (resoloution)
John Yonn
- [mythtv-users] Re: MythTV Upgrading and Protocols..
Keith Hanlan
- [mythtv-users] SVN 7225 recordings...
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] dvd image files dont all play.
- [mythtv-users] Recording 24
- [mythtv-users] popups on search results
- [mythtv-users] Recording two programs silmultaneously results in
error - a raid error? something else?
David Bennett
- [mythtv-users] HD 1080i Jerky playback while recording
Steve Malenfant
- [mythtv-users] Transcode profile selection
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv-users] Re: black border in ffmpeg nuvexport
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] drive full? ringbuf1.nuv and / at 100%
Roger Hanson
- [mythtv-users] PVR 350 output not working in MythTV
- [mythtv-users] DVB budget card - "prebuffering pause"
Felix Kraemer
- [mythtv-users] How To: Network DVD-Player as fullfledged
- [mythtv-users] PVR 350 output not working in MythTV
- [mythtv-users] PVR-350 image ghosting problem
Kirk Anderson
- [mythtv-users] Minimum hardware requirements for a Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Reported status of nuvexport jobs
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] No sound from Win PVR-350
Intense Red
- [mythtv-users] USB IR receiver of choice
- [mythtv-users] [OT] smbfs weirdness
Nathan Ford
- -[S]- Re: [mythtv-users] drive full? ringbuf1.nuv and / at 100%
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Keyboard during live TV?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Software scaling for Internal player?
Jason Flatt
- [mythtv-users] SVN8501
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] 2006-01-06 12:00:29.570 Realtime priority would
require SUID as root.
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Multiple front ends on the same machine?
Andy Swing
- [mythtv-users] replaceing a Hauppage 150 with a pvr 500
Stephen Kitchener
- [mythtv-users] MythDVD fails to rip a disk
Mark Anderson
- [mythtv-users] File system benchmark
Stef Coene
- [mythtv-users] Myth letterboxing 4:3 output on 16:9 tv after update
to SVN
Eric Ladner
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb returns blank pages
Kyle Hoondert
- -[S]- Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth R5A30
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] lyngsat-logo channel scanner
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge HVR-1100
Paul Faulkner
- [mythtv-users] Re: PVR 350 output not working in MythTV
- [mythtv-users] Werid recording problem
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] Re: Strange recording and playback issues after crash
Bruce J Keeler
- [mythtv-users] ivtv 0.4.1 - mythtv 18.1 and hauppauge PVR 500
Stephen Kitchener
- [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth R5A26 and Hauppauge Nova-T
Myth TV
- [mythtv-users] Zap2It multiple sources same cable?
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] HD3000 DVB Recordings - Consistently Freezes on
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb - searching music - .18.1 code avaliable
Don Brown
- [mythtv-users] Adding a slave to existing MBE
- [mythtv-users] Troubles viewing 1080i and even 720p
Len Reed
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Dylan R. Semler
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Brad Fuller
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Mudit Wahal
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] HD-3000, FC4, PVR-250/500
David Ellis
- [mythtv-users] VFD support
- [mythtv-users] mythmusic - slow playback with certain mp3 VBR
Jesse Guardiani
- [mythtv-users] MX4000 Dual X Servers - Config Help please :-)
Steve Daniels
- [mythtv-users] Cannot make MythTV
Ian Simpson
- [mythtv-users] Software RAID problems - the unspoken mythtv problem?
David Bennett
- [mythtv-users] DVB wide/square switching
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] ivtv0 warning: ENC Stream 0 OVERFLOW
Al McIntosh
- [mythtv-users] Bad quality PVR-150 ivtv 0.4.0
Johan Nordström
- [mythtv-users] Cannot Change channels in Myth, Can with ivtv-tune
- [mythtv-users] 1 channel stuttering
- [mythtv-users] EPG freeze after playing video in xine/MythVideo
Daniel Rischar
- [mythtv-users] Multiple card issue? DVB and PVR
- [mythtv-users] Infocus ScreenPlay 5000 - Proper Modelines from EDID
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Woohoo! R5A30 fixed my Mythbox's biggest problem!
Dave Bush
- [mythtv-users] mythtv svn: livetv buffers and recordings forced to
live in the same directory...mythweb recorded programs page
goes way down performancewise if you channel surf too often
Michael Freeman
- [mythtv-users] Re:MX4000 Dual X Servers - Config Help please :-)
Alexander Petkov
- [mythtv-users] Problems with Mounting DVDs
Mark Rissberger
- [mythtv-users] **NEW INFO** HD3000 DVB Recordings - Consistently
Freezes on Playback
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] DVI 1080i via ATI Radeon DVI? pink bar issue?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Single Instance Howto?
John Andersen
- [mythtv-users] mythtv-setup for slaves...
John Andersen
- [mythtv-users] X refuses to run on PVR-350 out
- [mythtv-users] Cannot watch Live TV screen remains black
- [mythtv-users] X.org modeline for Samsung HLR5067W?
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Can't run mythtv-setup
Ian Simpson
- [mythtv-users] zap2it & my selections
Rodney D. Myers
- [mythtv-users] Help with Dish 301 receiver
- [mythtv-users] 1:1 aspect ratio for Internal Player?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Video Card driver
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] Scheduled wakeup acpi-alarm vs nvram-wakeup
Paul Poetsma
- [mythtv-users] Fail to tune channels in UK using Rowridge
Myth TV
- [mythtv-users] OT: anyone know the rj22 pinout on the phone handset
anders smith
- [mythtv-users] RE: SPAM LOW: mythtv-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 195
- [mythtv-users] liveTV using 100% CPU
Marcel Janssen
- [mythtv-users] control MythTV with my gamepad?
- [mythtv-users] An idea for one of the firewire problems
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] SVN8501 - Frontend crash on recordings via firewire
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Compile errors with Myth-0.18.1 and SUSE 10-x86-64
Christopher Robbins
- [mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] MythTV Usability Report
Tom E. Craddock Jr.
- [mythtv-users] Cannot Change channels in Myth,
Can with ivtv-tune : FIXED
- [mythtv-users] question about RAID
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] FYI: G.A.N.T. theme adjustment
Garth Benedict
- [mythtv-users] Re: Archiving to DVD?
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] OSD isthmus makeover
gerhard aldorf
- [mythtv-users] AC3 through SPDIF?
Chris Lynch
- [mythtv-users] Fail to tune channels in UK using
Myth TV
- [mythtv-users] Recording HD content from a Comcast/Dish/DTV box
Jason Weinstein
- [mythtv-users] ALSA, intel8x0 and WriteAudio: buffer underrun
Al McIntosh
- [mythtv-users] kernel options for mythtv
Jason Weinstein
- [mythtv-users] IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
--- WTH?
- [mythtv-users] Where to send Feature requests?
- [mythtv-users] Problems with installing mythtv-suite on FC4
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] please help :( TVRec(1) Error: Channel: '1' was not
found in the database. Using setup DBOX
John C
- [mythtv-users] please help :( TVRec(1) Error: Channel: '1' was not
found in the database. Using setup DBOX
John C
- [mythtv-users] lircd socket output gets queued up and sends wrong
commands to mythtv/irw?
Debabrata Banerjee
- [mythtv-users] Sempron 3100 lag when viewing HD from 6200 STB
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Ratpoisonrc example
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv-users] question
James Middendorff
- [mythtv-users] xmltv error / mixing in data from canada?
Michael Freeman
- [mythtv-users] SOLVED (?): separate frontend/backend - MySQL client
err 2013 "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
Shawn C. Powell
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV & MythMusic - Just lost sound
Brian Donaldson
- [mythtv-users] Can't find channels with DVB-C pinnacle cinergy 1200
under ubuntu
Lutz Mischa Heitmüller
- [mythtv-users] Cannot install mythtv
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] "Surging" video in LiveTV
Adrian Wilkins
- [mythtv-users] Australian DVB-T resolution
Phill Edwards
- [mythtv-users] MythTV Hanging on Video Exit via xvmc-vld
Sam Davies
- [mythtv-users] DirectFB Matrox TV-Out
Wied Pakusa
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb returns blank pages
Kyle Hoondert
- [mythtv-users] Audio Authority VGA to component converter or Nvidia
6600GT with component dongle?
Nedim Cholich
- [mythtv-users] QMYSQL3 Error on Fedora FC4 x86_64
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] Universal Remote Code for Leadtek TV2000XP Remote
(OK, a little off topic)
David Krainess
- [mythtv-users] LIRC with a laptop's native IR blaster?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T and DVB-S on same box
James Pattinson
- [mythtv-users] Re: [linux-lvm] Re: more info on the hang with
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb returns blank pages
Kyle Hoondert
- [mythtv-users] Harddrive
Yann Lehmann
- [mythtv-users] I can't get my HDD to spindown when idle
kanetse at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Webiste www.mythtv.org not working
Paul Wheeler
- [mythtv-users] mythconverg Error message
kanetse at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Backend / Frontend advise
N Dugas
- [mythtv-users] OT: ntp won't synchronize
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] NFS or SAMBA for Video Stream
Chris Gardner
- [mythtv-users] 64bit IDE RAID options?
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] Fwd: Sempron 3100 lag when viewing HD from 6200 STB
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] XM Radio Functionality in Myth
- [mythtv-users] Scan displacement and over/underscan
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] apt-get install mythtv-suite has problem with myth-plugins
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] Channel groups
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] "Nvidia decodes H.264 in hardware"
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] XM Radio Functionality in Myth
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Fwd: Sempron 3100 lag when viewing HD from 6200 STB
jason at organictrader.com.au
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T and DVB-S on same box
jason at organictrader.com.au
- [mythtv-users] IR Problem with FC4
Matt Rude
- [mythtv-users] Partly OT - recording DCT-6412 content via firewire onto Linux box.
N Dugas
- [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins
Matt Hannan
- [mythtv-users] Centralized NFS (NAS?) video partition
David Bennett
- [mythtv-users] Can MythTV ignore the keyboard and only use a remote?
- [mythtv-users] limits.conf for realtime priority
Chris Rouch
- [mythtv-users] What correct video model as ouput of MythTV
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] sale:NETGEAR GS605 10/100/1000Mbps Switch @ newegg
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] XM Radio Functionality in Myth
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] XM Radio Functionality in Myth
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV on remote frontend not working
Jeff Clemens
- [mythtv-users] List etiquette re: selling something on the list.
Tom Lichti
- [mythtv-users] FireWire capture doesn't work after reboot until I rmmod/modprobe FireWire modules...why?
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] Playing back PVR500 recordings on PVR350 decoder
Ole Andre Schistad
- [mythtv-users] Revised MythTV Subversion ebuilds for Gentoo available
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] SA3250 - Change Channels w/o IR Blaster?
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] MythTV w/ Mac OS X Frontend
Matt Jordan
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb appears to have broken itself for no good reason...or am I doing something wrong?
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] mythtv with a pvr-350 on fedora 4
Dan Adams
- [mythtv-users] Partly OT - recording DCT-6412 content via
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] Customising osd.xml
Phill Edwards
- [mythtv-users] ability to post
Chris Spitz
- [mythtv-users] Will I regret this purchase?
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Anyway to tune a channel > 125 on pvr-150?
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] Upgrading mythweb to svn HEAD but not the backend
Darryl Ross
- [mythtv-users] TV Display shows menu but not video
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] Realtime Priority; limits.conf with pam-0.78 on gentoo
Rickard Borgmäster
- [mythtv-users] ALSA and real AC3 passthrough
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv-users] ALSA and real AC3 passthrough
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv-users] Will I regret this purchase?
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and suggestions?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] How to KEEP mythtv running when user exits
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and suggestions?
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] TV-Out not working on tv mode
Joseph Faisal Nusairat
- [mythtv-users] 1024x768 Cuts Off Screen
Doug Bunger
- [mythtv-users] PVR 350 all of a sudden static
Steven Willis
- [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming
matthew.garman at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Import DVD audio sync issues
Nathan Allen Stratton
- [mythtv-users] SUSE 10 GNOME screen blank
Nathan Allen Stratton
- [mythtv-users] Issues with OSD placement
Andy Foster
- [mythtv-users] A couple of (theoretically) simple questions from a new user
Michael Sullivan
- [mythtv-users] fusionhdtv 5 lite -- how do i make it work?
Michael Freeman
- [mythtv-users] Does mythtv support 1080p?
Greg Kovacs
- [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] PVR500 static on both tuners
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn revisited - close but no cigar
Neil Bird
- [mythtv-users] B&O interfacing
Ivor Hewitt
- [mythtv-users] Has somebody got a *complete* list of dependencies for mythburn?
Thomas R. Bruce
- [mythtv-users] Barebones Systems - Opinions on the Pundit
Philip Isaacs
- [mythtv-users] Problems with detecting duplicate recordings due to subtle detail changes
Ant Daniel
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions
Joseph Faisal Nusairat
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions
Joseph Faisal Nusairat
- [mythtv-users] question about RAID
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] ivtv and dvb living together in same box
- [mythtv-users] Fedora-based diskless frontends -- anybody have one working?
Sean Cier
- [mythtv-users] Static, static, static on every channel
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] Suspend options with mythtv
Mark J. Small
- [mythtv-users] AV sync and PVR-150
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have your case power button do?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Problems with watching TV (sound and picture)
Joacim J
- [mythtv-users] ALSA and onboard sound card (ASUS A8V Deluxe with VIA K8T800Pro)
Joacim J
- [mythtv-users] [linux-dvb] ivtv and dvb living together in same box
- [mythtv-users] ATA 33 fast enough?
bic1 at optonline.net
- [mythtv-users] SVN mythtranscode
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv-users] support for FusionHDTV5 Lite?
Greg Kovacs
- [mythtv-users] 1080i content and xv
Chris Ribe
- [mythtv-users] mythtvsetup on debian (ubuntu) missing
Bill Bradley
- [mythtv-users] -[S]- mythtvsetup on debian (ubuntu) missing
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Washed out colours.
Joseph Faisal Nusairat
- [mythtv-users] [Fwd: [Lxmsuite-updates] Subscription notice]
- [mythtv-users] Missing category colors in epg
Hans Hvelplund Odborg
- [mythtv-users] Recordings filling disk, not showing up in list
Daniel Rischar
- [mythtv-users] Linux newbie strikes again... PVR-150 not outputting to X300...
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] PCI Express video card with picture controls
Mike Morrison
- [mythtv-users] Project Grayhem Wide weird font size issue...
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Workaround for WM Focus Issues
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] plextor convertx audio trouble
- [mythtv-users] xv and dual display
Marius Schrecker
- [mythtv-users] xv and dual display
Marius Schrecker
- [mythtv-users] Some fields in table of recorded
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] Face lift of MythWeb (themes)
Joacim J
- [mythtv-users] Project Grayhem Wide weird font size issue...
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions
Steve Nuffer
- [mythtv-users] QMYSQL3 Error on Fedora FC4 x86_64
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb returns blank pages
Kyle Hoondert
- [mythtv-users] Odds of Linux CableCARD support?
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR Questions
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Software RAID5 no improvement to transfer speed...
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Re-record a show that I tell to stop recording?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Commercial Flagging not working
maillist at citadelsystems.net
- [mythtv-users] blue border around mplayer
Dan Adams
- [mythtv-users] MPEG4->MPEG4 transcode?
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] plextor convertx audio trouble
Bret Schuhmacher
- [mythtv-users] Xorg 6.9?
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Uninstalling IVTV
- [mythtv-users] Recording digital-audio channels over FireWire appears to not work in MythTV
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] MPEG4->MPEG4 transcode? (slightly OT)
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] How to KEEP mythtv running when user exits
Carrison, Stuart
- [mythtv-users] pcHDTV 3000 Installed, Now What?
Drew Tomlinson
- [mythtv-users] Name that tuner!
Steve Daniels
- [mythtv-users] Video modes - aspect ratios
Graeme Hilton
- [mythtv-users] Nuvexport ignoring cutlist
Chris Hembrow
- [mythtv-users] Fatal Error at /var/www/mythweb/includes/db.php, line 352:
- [mythtv-users] Which NVIDIA chipset to use the OSDChromaKey Features
Chris Glover
- [mythtv-users] Playback not remembering where it got to
Ben Edwards (lists)
- [mythtv-users] RG-6 coax cable
- [mythtv-users] Nuvexport ignoring cutlist
Chris Petersen
- [mythtv-users] DViCO Fusion HDTV 5 Lite status?
- [mythtv-users] digital sound output
Mike Schiller
- [mythtv-users] nuvexport and ffmpeg on Ubuntu
Intense Red
- [mythtv-users] [~OT] yum mythtv dependency problems?
Dan Adams
- [mythtv-users] Changing mythtv resolution to match HDTV output?
Paul Leppert
- [mythtv-users] Linux Newbie Strikes Again - PVR-150 Garbled TV Output?
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] No XvMC error with PVR-350 (option disabled)
Ken Schutte
- [mythtv-users] Xine for DVD playback with 720p output looks bad
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
- [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WinTV USB 2.0
Wendall Siemens
- [mythtv-users] DVB subtitle ripper?
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] Down to the final bits... change_chan.sh not working in MythTV
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] What's this means of mostly tables in database?
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] Can't delete two recorded shows
Paul Hooper
- [mythtv-users] Ubuntu alsa sound & apt-get update concerns
- [mythtv-users] PPC and MythMusic FIX (at least for mp3s)
Ryan Oltman
- [mythtv-users] serial LIRC remote stops working during use
Andy Alsup
- [mythtv-users] NTP issue - time drifting, ntpd crashing?
- [mythtv-users] Query about display seen in Mythweb recorded programs screen
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] Think table as Class and record as Object
YanJun Lu
- [mythtv-users] Video Database Protection needed
John Andersen
- [mythtv-users] Full Screen Video
Dawson, Guy
- [mythtv-users] Clear a show's cutlist through the console?
Matt Kaar
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv - hardware
Luis Mourao
- [mythtv-users] Unable to "Never record" 1 series.
Nick Rosier
- [mythtv-users] pvr-350 tv-out xorg.conf ntsc fit
Jean Connelly
- [mythtv-users] Wanted: Australian modes for 720p
Eyal Lebedinsky
- [mythtv-users] (no subject)
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] TVtime delivers picture, Mythtv doesn't
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] Tvtime shows picture. Mythtv does not
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] Swf (macromedia flash files) files cannot be viewed from mythbrowser
Grant Kwok
- [mythtv-users] visualization of music crashes
Dan Adams
- [mythtv-users] using nuvexport
Dan Adams
- [mythtv-users] DBOX2 Channel utilities for MythTv
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] Which NVIDIA chipset to use the OSDChromaKey Features
Mike Morrison
- [mythtv-users] 1080i & Mitsubishi WS-48311
Jason Kraftcheck
- [mythtv-users] Myth Remote Control
Mark Lehrer
- [mythtv-users] Logrotate settings for mythbackend.log?
Joseph A. Caputo
- [mythtv-users] Unknown Symbol __libc_csu_init
R. G. Newbury
- [mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] MythEPG and aFeed via AV-In In
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] Using svhs inputs on hauppauge 150
Stephen Kitchener
- [mythtv-users] new pc
- [mythtv-users] HD3000 LiveTV - no go.
Brad Fuller
- [mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] Sound drops out during HDTV programming
Matthew Schiller
- [mythtv-users] Dish Network 322/PVR-500 Setup
- [mythtv-users] mythbackend not starting on slave (I know...)
Steve Malenfant
- [mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] install ivtv-0.5.1 fails with ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog (make distclean doesn't help)
- [mythtv-users] Chaintech AV 710 sound problems
Brian Foddy
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Remote on PexelView PlayTV Pro not working
- [mythtv-users] Fail to tune channels in UK using Rowridgetransmitter
Myth TV
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: Burning an MPEG2 file that is too large
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] svn stable == trunk ?
Ronald Pijnacker
- [mythtv-users] Wireless Keyboards & Learning Remotes, Just don't get it!
Ramzy Darwish
- [mythtv-users] QMYSQL3 Error on Fedora FC4 x86_64
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] problem.." GDM could not write to your authorization file"
- [mythtv-users] zap2it connectivity problems
Oliver Seiler
- [mythtv-users] Is satellite/cable HDTV possible w/ MythTV, or alternatives?
Reshat Sabiq
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] MythEPG and aFeed via AV-In In
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled recording
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! 24-bit 7.1 and Leadtek WinFast TV2000XP Expert
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] List of vendors that sell Myth boxes
- [mythtv-users] zap2it connectivity problems
Oliver Seiler
- [mythtv-users] 350/500 setup. Tuner #3 cannot tune about 60 or so.
- [mythtv-users] Compiling Mythtv on an Xbox error?
- [mythtv-users] Live TV recording as if it was a scheduled
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] OT: Backend cluster?
Jay Hutfles
- [mythtv-users] Use remote machine to control Myth frontend?
- [mythtv-users] DCT-6200 Firewire issue User Database
Big Wave Dave
- [mythtv-users] 350/500 setup. Tuner #3 cannot tune about 60 or so.
- [mythtv-users] Wireless Keyboards & Learning Remotes, Just don't get it! (Still confused)
Ramzy Darwish
- [mythtv-users] error while compiling mythvideo
Andy Troutman
- [mythtv-users] torrentocracy
Allan Wilson
- [mythtv-users] mythvideo plugin on xbox - controls don't work
Keith Hanlan
- [mythtv-users] DViCO Fusion HDTV 5 Gold NTSC setup
Jason Gabriele
- [mythtv-users] Jump Back and Jump Ahead Amounts
Andrew McNabb
- [mythtv-users] Generate thumbnails while watching live recording?
kanetse at gmail.com
- [mythtv-users] Thanks for all your help!
- [mythtv-users] Recorded programs don't show in Watching Records list
Daniel Savard
- [mythtv-users] XvMC, GF6200, FC4, and a black screen....
- [mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes
Jens Baumeister
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T LiveTV not working since update to SVN
Daniel Foster
- [mythtv-users] Short report on Xorg 6.9.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! 24-bit 7.1 and Leadtek WinFast TV2000XP Expert
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] Howto to configure jack or arts in mythfrontend
Michael Obster
- [mythtv-users] More on Short report on Xorg 6.9.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] programs that are scheduled a minute early/run a minute late
Brian J. Murrell
- [mythtv-users] Controlling multiple GI-2200 cable boxes via lirc
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] OSD isthmus makeover
Chad Delatte
- [mythtv-users] lyngsat-logo channel scanner
- [mythtv-users] Is anyone successfully using a Pioneer DVR-110D to burn from mythburn?
Thomas R. Bruce
- [mythtv-users] Mythbackend can't connect to database
- [mythtv-users] Turtle Beach/CM8738 Live TV Sound Not Working
Michael Starks
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend laptop linux distro???
Rick van der Mieden
- [mythtv-users] DVB subtitles fixed, thanks
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Nearly 100% install of MYTHYV...
Jerry McBride
- [mythtv-users] Oops, sorry (was: Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes)
Jens Baumeister
- [mythtv-users] Internal player stability issues with PVR-350
Jason Surprise
- [mythtv-users] Trouble installing lirc on FC4 (lirc-kmdl-2.6.14-1.1653_FC4)
Tommy Nijem
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend laptop linux distro???
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn / transcode error
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] playslist for recorded tv?
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] OSD isthmus makeover
Chad Delatte
- [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables
Len Reed
- [mythtv-users] DVD playback on macos X
Tomas Edwardsson
- [mythtv-users] Playing HD - CPU is 50% Mythfrontend and 50% X
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] mythvideo plugin on xbox - controls don't
Adam Anderson
- [mythtv-users] streaming to windows (directly through myth)
Andy Foster
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T and encrypted channels
Joacim J
- [mythtv-users] MythTV 0.18.1 + nforce2 soundstorm SPDIF + ac3 = no sound?
Tim Carr
- [mythtv-users] Mythfrontend error: Waited too long for video out to pause
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] MythTV SUSE 10.0 Howto guide
- [mythtv-users] DVB EIT Not Updating
Robin Elvin
- [mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] mythbrowser: handling of protocols in external scripts
HaJo Schatz
- [mythtv-users] OT: New MediaMVP this month, according to Engadget...
Matt Mossholder
- [mythtv-users] Compiling Mythtv on an Xbox error?
- [mythtv-users] HD3000 LiveTV - no go.
Brad Fuller
- [mythtv-users] MPEG4->MPEG4 transcode?
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] following jarod's guide, missing packages?
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb schedule recordings - possible to add a new type "weekday"?
Michael Norman
- [mythtv-users] Replacing MythTV remote... anyone have any experience with RS 15-2136 (or 15-2137?)
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] Channel Icon and EPG data position in live tv
eqx at gmx.net
- [mythtv-users] Schedule changes
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] PVR 250
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] MVPMC
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] Change Channel script to only alter Volume for first 3 seconds
Martijn Morriën
- [mythtv-users] OSD isthmus makeover
Chad Delatte
- [mythtv-users] LIRC Problem
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb schedule recordings - possible to add a new type "weekday"?
Michael Norman
- [mythtv-users] Compiling Xbox "nothing to do" error?
- [mythtv-users] Lost sound on EPIA SP -- how to diagnose?
Ole Sandum
- [mythtv-users] Different Tuners have different sounds??
James Oltman
- [mythtv-users] exit and shutdown from mythtv
- [mythtv-users] Myth could not locate the menu file setup.xml
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] Intermittant high disk activity
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend not working
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] XvMC for an EPIA Box (Playing DVDs on a Mini-ITX)?
Matt Jordan
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend not working
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend not working
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend not working
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv on Debian - is it dead?
- [mythtv-users] mythvideo plugin on xbox - controls don't work
Keith Hanlan
- [mythtv-users] PVR-350 & 500 in same box, sound issues
Intense Red
- [mythtv-users] Adjusting End Time After Record Start
George Galt
- [mythtv-users] Problems with sound watching TV
Cristo Saulo Bolaños Trujillo
- [mythtv-users] Replacing MythTV remote... anyone have any experience with RS 15-2136 (or 15-2137?)
Kevin Venkiteswaran
- [mythtv-users] mythfronend stuttering
Reuben Perelman
- [mythtv-users] User jobs not in queue
Kirk Grell
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV related ideas/comments
- [mythtv-users] Shouldn't XvMC be faster than Xv?
Scott Alfter
- [mythtv-users] mythvideo plugin on xbox - controls don't work
Adam Anderson
- [mythtv-users] Replacing MythTV remote... anyone have any experience with RS 15-2136 (or 15-2137?)
Kevin Venkiteswaran
- [mythtv-users] AIDO - Another Media System
Daniel Jonasson
- [mythtv-users] Conexant CX23880/1/2/3
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] PVR-500: problems with sound
Stef Coene
- [mythtv-users] White noise when changing channel on Pinnacle 300i
Andreas Lorenz
- [mythtv-users] DBOX2
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] FYI : RAID5 adding a new disk
- [mythtv-users] Advice on adding second capture card
Paul Barker
- [mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes
Tom E. Craddock Jr.
- [mythtv-users] WAS Replacing MythTV remote... / Now Using URC-9960
obscure information.
- [mythtv-users] Themes
Debbie Angell
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] iMedia MythTV for VIA EPIA platform
- [mythtv-users] Can't change channels during LiveTV
Joey Moe
- [mythtv-users] Mythbackend Server Consideration
- [mythtv-users] Help -- why suddenly dramatically improved TV-out w/onboard GF4 MX ??
Joseph A. Caputo
- [mythtv-users] HD-2000 doesn't record 5.1 surround (ac3) under myth 0.18.1 ?
Tim Carr
- [mythtv-users] PVR-350 & 500 in same box, sound issues
Joe Votour
- [mythtv-users] Instant SegFault Mythbackend SVN 8626
R. G. Newbury
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Can't change channels during LiveTV
Joey Moe
- [mythtv-users] OSD isthmus makeover
gerhard aldorf
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Looking for high WAF in-wall speakers!!
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! 24-bit 7.1 and Leadtek WinFast TV2000XP Expert
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mythweb problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Moure trouble in Mythweb land
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Moure trouble in Mythweb land
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Missing header files LIRC on FC4
- [mythtv-users] Intermittant high disk activity
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] some more RAID and HD speed questions
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] problem with mythbackend.
theironduck.junk at mustardmedia.com
- [mythtv-users] some more RAID and HD speed questions
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] SVN 8625 Tuner Status strangeness
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] some more RAID and HD speed questions
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] backend keeps dying
Rodney D. Myers
- [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables
Brad Fuller
- [mythtv-users] Lowering CPU usage for goom visualization
Dan Littlejohn
- [mythtv-users] Looking for good specifications for mythTV
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Unusual hard drive activity w/ livetv
Jason Richardson
- [mythtv-users] ProjectGrayhem-wide theme version 1.2
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] mythmusic not resolving cd information
Ronald Wielink
- [mythtv-users] Looking for good specifications for mythTV
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz
Aaron Aguilar
- [mythtv-users] programid field
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] No sound -- does it matter?
- [mythtv-users] analog video camera and Mythtv?
Roger Hanson
- [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz
- [mythtv-users] zap2it lineup configuration for 2 card configuration
- [mythtv-users] After "long" livetv pause, then rewind, mythfrontend becomes unstable
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] New Install - Hang on entering live tv
- [mythtv-users] Silverstone Lascala 17 Case
peter at judge.co.za
- [mythtv-users] My list of MythTV links
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] ATI Interlacing questions
Dan McCarthy
- [mythtv-users] newer SVN MythVideo freezing?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] widescreen from pvr-350
Gabe Rubin
- [mythtv-users] firmware differences between 4.1 and 4.2?
- [mythtv-users] Installing new Firewire card
Drew Zerdecki
- [mythtv-users] Audio buffer overflow while watching NBCHD
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] mythfilldatabase authentication rejected
Stephen Sassman
- [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] mythfilldatabase authentication rejected
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] all recording schedules missing! v18.1 please help
- [mythtv-users] Minor / Misc Questions
Brian Foddy
- [mythtv-users] widescreen from pvr-350
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] Importing recordings after losing entire database and reinstalling
David Bennett
- [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] Miserable time installing Mythtv
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: receiver input buzzing/humming
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] Moving my mythTV install to a new distro (Was: Importing recordings after losing entire database and reinstalling)
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] realtime commflag
Endaf Jones
- [mythtv-users] widescreen from pvr-350
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] ProjectGrayhem-wide theme version 1.2
John P Poet
- [mythtv-users] [mythtv] HD3000 issues?
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] No audio (usually) - Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!
Adrian Fox
- [mythtv-users] Which version of xmame is supported?
Alex Harford
- [mythtv-users] Switched from ATI to Nvidia. AGPGART problem
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] Watch Recordings, display fewer shows?
- [mythtv-users] StreamTV for New MythWeb
Jochen Kühner
- [mythtv-users] Firmware issues. Please help!
- [mythtv-users] How do you switch terminals when ctrl-alt-# doesn't work? Answered...
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] problem with Dvico Fusion Lite card on mythtvsetup
- [mythtv-users] Some real-life HDTV bandwidth/reliability observations
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels
- [mythtv-users] XBOX - startup and is KDE needed?
- [mythtv-users] My list of MythTV links
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] problem with Dvico Fusion Lite card on mythtvsetup
- [mythtv-users] channel frequency table for dish in northern california?
JD Elam
- [mythtv-users] Which version of xmame is supported?
Alex Harford
- [mythtv-users] mythtranscode segfault
Chris Thielen
- [mythtv-users] MythGallery segfaults if image directory is empty
Otto Kolsi
- [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels
- [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels
- [mythtv-users] Sweet! PC HD3000 QAM_256 working, now about importing those channels?
- [mythtv-users] Mac 7200
Urban Nightmare
- [mythtv-users] scratchy DVDs
Simon Lundell
- [mythtv-users] My list of MythTV links
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] A total newbie needs to know how to adjust modelines.
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Simple kernel upgrade question
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] My list of MythTV links
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] My list of MythTV links
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] A foolish question abut Knoppmyth auto-install
Joe Marcom
- [mythtv-users] Using DVD VIDEO_TS directories on disk with MythTV?
Todd Ignasiak
- [mythtv-users] A foolish question abut Knoppmyth auto-install
Curtis Preston
- [mythtv-users] How to boost niceness of both front and backends?
- [mythtv-users] SVN 8625 Firewire capture glitching while test-mpeg2 doesn't
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] MythTV.org Wiki
Steve Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Things I did in FC4 to make some items work
Chad Delatte
- [mythtv-users] Missing .nuv files?
Michael Still
- [mythtv-users] HD3000 DVB Recordings - Freezes on Playback
frank s
- [mythtv-users] Myth - Mplayer focus
Stuart Fox
- [mythtv-users] Hosed VGforMyth?
Adam Propeck
- [mythtv-users] mythvideo
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] Installing new Firewire card
Drew Zerdecki
- [mythtv-users] Debugging frontend freeze -- baby steps
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] Sync rates for Sharp 32 inch LCD
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] SVN 8625 Firewire capture glitching while test-mpeg2 doesn't
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] Changing channels on DCT2000 series/audio questions
John Brooks
- [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels
- [mythtv-users] Possible to "fix" data from zap2it?
Michael Norman
- [mythtv-users] DVB-T Transcode
Tim Milstead
- [mythtv-users] which sound card to hook into surround system
Dan Gapinski
- [mythtv-users] Internal video player?
Svante Olofsson
- [mythtv-users] Sweet! PC HD3000 QAM_256 working, now about importing those channels?
- [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?
Frank Lynch
- [mythtv-users] TV sched is wrong; how to fix it?
David A. De Graaf
- [mythtv-users] capturing via firewire
Gabe Rubin
- [mythtv-users] not transcode a .nuv but record->export to avi
stinky wizzleteet
- [mythtv-users] The perfect MythTV Motherboard at last
mike choy
- [mythtv-users] Archiving .NUV Files?
Matt Jordan
- [mythtv-users] nuxexport svn/trac site
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn, no sound on dvd
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn, no sound on dvd
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] Problems with FF and REW
fanmail at micah-wedemeyer.net
- [mythtv-users] mythbackend not starting on slave (FOUND WHY!)
Steve Malenfant
- [mythtv-users] Missing .nuv files?
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Problems with FF and REW
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] Sound card, speakers recommendations?
- [mythtv-users] What decides channel order?
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] How To Export HD Content Captured With HD-3000
Drew Tomlinson
- [mythtv-users] Installing new Firewire card
Drew Zerdecki
- [mythtv-users] Internal video player? [Solved]
Svante Olofsson
- [mythtv-users] Recorded programs don't show in Watching Records list
Ketan Patel
- [mythtv-users] import dvd transcode working directory
Dan Littlejohn
- [mythtv-users] Gray OSD
- [mythtv-users] No can do for multiple HD5000s?
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] looking for Craig Eaton
- [mythtv-users] (no subject)
Arska J
- [mythtv-users] What decides channel order?
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] What decides channel order?
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au not working for foxtel
Barry Hee
- [mythtv-users] Freeze!
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] 2.6.15 and nvidia cards
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] YUV Component output from a NVidia GeForce 6200 Card
Soren Christensen
- [mythtv-users] Blown out audio during recording but not during Live TV
- [mythtv-users] Debian sources????
- [mythtv-users] Missing sound on one channel
Mitch Anderson
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv 0.19 -> xbox and mac osx frontends (anyone done this with svn?)
David Bennett
- [mythtv-users] Playback of recordings suddenly broken
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] Bug in 4.2?
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend laptop linux distro???
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] DVB subtitles comments
Tomi Makinen
- [mythtv-users] poor audio and video
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] Playback of recordings suddenly broken
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] ivtv0 warning: ENC Stream 0 OVERFLOW #xxx: Stealing a Buffer
Chris Hembrow
- [mythtv-users] DVB OTA channel help
Brian Foddy
- [mythtv-users] poor audio and video
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] [Mythtv-users] - Mythbackend stopping randomly
Chris Henderson
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn, no sound on dvd solved...
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn cutlist
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] Are Custom DVD Import formats possible?
- [mythtv-users] Are Custom DVD Import formats possible?
Jared Kidd
- [mythtv-users] fusion lite card and analog comcast cable
- [mythtv-users] mythlcdserver only client for lcdproc ?
- [mythtv-users] Recording Priorities...
AJ Frantz
- [mythtv-users] Nvidia-FX5200 TVOut Xorg Configs
Ow Mun Heng
- [mythtv-users] svn mythweb sub-pages not found
Tomi Makinen
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mythgallery
Jad Saklawi
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mounting DVDs via NFS problem
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Cannot update ivtv
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Sweet! PC HD3000 QAM_256 working, now about importing those channels? [In reply to]
- [mythtv-users] getting snow with PVR 350 or wintv go
Christophe Zwecker
- [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines -- tangential to topic -- PVR-150
H P Ladds
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Opinions on my hardware choices for a new PVR
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines
- [mythtv-users] No sound from my on board 5.1 audio... debugging ideas?
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] mysql +qt +mythtv +Suse 10.0
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Overture case and heat
Urban Nightmare
- [mythtv-users] lirc problems xbox (under SVN)
Rob Jones
- [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback? [In reply to]
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN?
Jesse Guardiani
- [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?
- [mythtv-users] Free to Air EIT Data
Mario Limonciello
- [mythtv-users] Frappr Group
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] 1080i playback at 720p
Mark Lehrer
- [mythtv-users] Frappr Group
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Errors with lvm2 (and/or evms and device_mapper)
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] What's the minimum that I can do to view a recording from a PVR-500 on a Win or Mac?
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN
Steve Nuffer
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and Asterisk?
Peter Loron
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and Asterisk?
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Nvidia purevideo support in Linux
Mike Myers
- [mythtv-users] IVTV 0.4.2 and MythTV
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Russell Brown
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
David Schmidt
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
David Schmidt
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Bill Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Dewey Smolka
- [mythtv-users] Nvidia purevideo support in Linux
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] Advice on adding a second capture card
John Biundo
- [mythtv-users] Frappr Group
Alexander Petkov
- [mythtv-users] PVR350 X output (again)
Jason Garrett
- [mythtv-users] Problem watching Live TV
Elwe Singollo
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and Asterisk?
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Problems with video from Haug. pvr-500
Nathan A. Smith
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and Asterisk?
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Overlapping Recordings
Reuben Perelman
- [mythtv-users] AC97 in only one speaker
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] backend cannot change channel on PVR-500 when recording
Dawning Sky
- [mythtv-users] 2nd tuner on PVR-500 not working. (Good logs attached.)
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Playing music when watching the news, the forecast ....
Nicolas Leroux
- [mythtv-users] PCI video card w. composite video out for Myth?
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] problem retrieving program details
Jay Cornell
- [mythtv-users] Capture Card Encode Quality
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] PVR-150 remote annoyance
John McCarthy
- [mythtv-users] Decent starter combined FE/BE barebones system for $99 AR?
Joseph A. Caputo
- [mythtv-users] Laptop CPU in Desktop Mainboard
Michael Starks
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
Steve Hodge
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard with touchpad, trackball, or joystick.
Ow Mun Heng
- [mythtv-users] has anyone used an Aopen EX661L
Gabe Rubin
- [mythtv-users] Looking for a good wireless keyboard withtouchpad, trackball, or joystick.
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and Asterisk?
- [mythtv-users] Sync rates for Sharp 32 inch LCD
Alex Brekken
- [mythtv-users] Ripping DVD hangs up
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] FC-4 and DVICO Fusion HDTV 5, now what?
Matt Nieberger
- [mythtv-users] New to mythtv, need help
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Need help analyzing PVR-500 logs.
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Recorded programs
Stuart Fox
- [mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] Sync rates for Sharp 32 inch LCD
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] DVB subtitle priority wrong
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Unusual hard drive activity w/ livetv
Jason Richardson
- [mythtv-users] Seattle MUG -- Sunday Jan 29th
Chris Petersen
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN
Steve Nuffer
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] OS X FE help needed
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] Unusual hard drive activity w/ livetv
Jason Richardson
- [mythtv-users] Feature list
Urban Nightmare
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Where's the playback bottleneck?
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] Xbox - build-dep mythtv problem????
- [mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver
Kevin Venkiteswaran
- [mythtv-users] Weird TV out problem when trying to watch TV
Dan Mize
- [mythtv-users] OT: Engadget: How-To Build a Practical HTPC (with MythTV)
Tyler Drake
- [mythtv-users] PVR-150 MCE USN IR Reciever
Scott Dexter
- [mythtv-users] Broadcast flag and a kick in the teeth
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD
- [mythtv-users] reformating and wondering cvs vs 18.1
Ryan Kremser
- [mythtv-users] thoughts about 2 drives 1 video storage 1 system + other
Ryan Kremser
- [mythtv-users] Questions about Upcoming 0.19
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] avi playback in myth gallery
Dawson, Guy
- [mythtv-users] thoughts about 2 drives 1 video storage 1 system+ other
- [mythtv-users] I'm getting real pissed off about IVTV
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] thoughts about 2 drives 1 video storage 1system + other
- [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! PCI 7.1
- [mythtv-users] I'm getting real pissed off about IVTV
Scott Starkey
- [mythtv-users] I'm getting real pissed off about IVTV
- [mythtv-users] Questions about Upcoming 0.19
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Debian directories for SVN releases.
Luke A. Olbrish
- [mythtv-users] MythBurn
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] Connect mythtv-users list to Usenet?
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] Sync rates for Sharp 32 inch LCD
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Weird TV out problem when trying to watch
Dan Mize
- [mythtv-users] Quick Question (MythDVD)
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] Mythvideo behavior since last update?
Jurgen Kramer
- [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Help Developing MythWeb
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] Compile Error on FC3 SVN
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] Compile Error on FC3 SVN
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] 0.19 MythWeb + MythTVBurnDVD + MythStreamTV
Jesse Guardiani
- [mythtv-users] thoughts about 2 drives 1 video storage 1 system+ other
Jason Richardson
- [mythtv-users] Sync rates for Sharp 32 inch LCD
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] 0.19 release notes
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Help Developing MythWeb
- [mythtv-users] More popup menu oddities (can't select / wrong color buttons)
Wendy Seltzer
- [mythtv-users] HDTV tearing solved
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Ow Mun Heng
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Brian Wood
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
James C. Dastrup
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Brian Wood
- [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more
Joe Votour
- [mythtv-users] Lirc (lirc_serial) with
Kristian Kalweit
- [mythtv-users] Updates for 0.19...
Jochen Kühner
- [mythtv-users] RFC: Allow mythfilldatabase to use a single XML source file for multiple video sources
- [mythtv-users] MythFillDatabase fails when run automatically
Dawson, Guy
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV problems
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] Lirc (lirc_serial) with
- [mythtv-users] Harmony 880 Remote?
Nate Carlson
- [mythtv-users] PVR-150 Problem, I think
mythtv at deeney.org
- [mythtv-users] getting more pissed off about IVTV
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] convert a lvm xfs partition to jfs
Dawning Sky
- [mythtv-users] Live TV fix
Elwe Singollo
- [mythtv-users] nvidia 6x00 vs mythtv and mpeg offload
Klaubert Herr da Silveira
- [mythtv-users] Potential IPTV additions for Myth
Robert Johnston
- [mythtv-users] Mysql complains at me
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] How to stop changing channel on PVR-150 internal tuner?
Joshua Frank
- [mythtv-users] returning PVR-500
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Mysql complains at me
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] Mysql complains at me
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] FC5 and repodata?
Michael Haan
- [mythtv-users] Summery of my problems
Dylan R. Semler
- [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] No /dev/dvb with AVErMedia DVB-T 771's with Ubuntu 5.10
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] hd-3000 recording issues while and watching recordings from pvr-500
- [mythtv-users] Bored at Work
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?
- [mythtv-users] Lost MythVideo somehow
Jeff Clemens
- [mythtv-users] Video Quality
Kerry Wilson
- [mythtv-users] HD3000/FC4 not working
- [mythtv-users] Newbie question: how to add HDTV channels
Mark Lehrer
- [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?
- [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Proposed remote: Nintendo DS
Michael Smith
- [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] No /dev/dvb with AVErMedia DVB-T 771's with Ubuntu 5.10
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] PVR 350 / fine tune frequencies
Matthew K. Lee
- [mythtv-users] Repeating keypresses in frontend menus
kkitchen at yahoo.com
- [mythtv-users] Double keystrokes problem in (some) frontend menus
kkitchen at yahoo.com
- [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Mytweb and UTF in page titles
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Double keystrokes problem in (some) frontend menus
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mytweb and UTF in page titles
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Transcoded recording and mythburn
- [mythtv-users] We may have a couple a good guys....
Mark H
- [mythtv-users] [Bulk] Re: Broadcast flag and a kick in the teeth
Greg Wright
- [mythtv-users] [Bulk] Re: Broadcast flag and a kick in the teeth
Greg Wright
- [mythtv-users] Database error?
spes333 at gmx.de
- [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] MythWeb schedule offset wrong (timezone)
Peter A. Daly
- [mythtv-users] What's the correct way to handle overlapping showtimes?
- [mythtv-users] Icon for mythfrontend
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] Fedora Core 4 ivtv install
Todd Page
- [mythtv-users] Documentation on undocumentated features?
- [mythtv-users] Video Quality
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv rebooting system
Nathan A. Smith
- [mythtv-users] Recording results in show broken into mulitple .nuv files
Gene Stapp
- [mythtv-users] No update after "mythfilldatabase --manual"
Ivan Eulaers
- [mythtv-users] Another small bug in mythweb
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Segfault when configured MythTV with XvMC
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv-users] Transcoded recording and mythburn
- [mythtv-users] Mythburn and ProjectX
Jonathan Smith
- [mythtv-users] Scheduled Recordings are keyed off of the callsign field
David Whyte
- [mythtv-users] SVN ~87xx Live TV via Firewire "goes black" in middle of show
Steven Adeff
- [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Video Player that can Bookmark
Peter Darley
- [mythtv-users] First Generation Air2PC Card Requires Extended Initialization
William Powers
- [mythtv-users] Fedora Core 4 ivtv install
Todd Page
- [mythtv-users] [OT] Dish Network and DVB
Brian C. huffman
- [mythtv-users] KDE logs out immediately after logging in
Derek Scollon
- [mythtv-users] How to minimize CPU usage
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] sound suddenly not encoding
mstrimel at comcast.net
- [mythtv-users] sound suddenly not encoding -- update
mstrimel at comcast.net
- [mythtv-users] Another small bug in mythweb
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Scheduler issues related to plus one channels
Graeme Hilton
- [mythtv-users] FX5500 PCI and HDTV
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] Problem watching DVB-T recordings on PVR-350 output
Morten Grouleff
- [mythtv-users] Slave backend screwing up master
johan Henĉs
- [mythtv-users] Mythvideo script.. might be of some use to somebody
Justin Hornsby
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV
Yan Seiner
- [mythtv-users] re-record deleted shows
- [mythtv-users] nuxexport - export to iPod
- [mythtv-users] Play List?
Jonathan Smith
- [mythtv-users] New Pundit?
George Landon
- [mythtv-users] StreamTV
Jonathan Smith
- [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Network Device Failure.....
John Nelson
- [mythtv-users] mplayer delay
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] Another small bug in mythweb (not)
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] nuvexport error: ERROR: opening A/V streams (0/0)
Ajay Sharma
- [mythtv-users] Finnish DVB EPG and PreferredLanguages (SVN regression)
Osma Ahvenlampi
- [mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?
William Kenworthy
- [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! PCI 7.1
Yalusa Jongihlati
- [mythtv-users] cutlist
Claude Gélinas agr.
- [mythtv-users] AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
Osma Ahvenlampi
- [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend
- [mythtv-users] Delay with mplayer
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] problem with Fusion 5 Gold
Mike VanderPloeg
- [mythtv-users] mythfrontend freezes on first run
Stuart Moore
- [mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?
Todd Ignasiak
- [mythtv-users] Mplayer delay
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] Error when compiling SVN on XBOX?? any ideas?
- [mythtv-users] [ATrpms-users] Mythtv 0.18.2
Phill Edwards
- [mythtv-users] Can't schedule recordings
Doug Hairfield
- [mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?
Chris Petersen
- [mythtv-users] IVTV 0.4.2 and MythTV
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD
Piers Kittel
- [mythtv-users] External audio
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv-users] sound not encoding
mstrimel at comcast.net
- [mythtv-users] Can't schedule
Doug Hairfield
- [mythtv-users] Issue with lirc...
John Brooks
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV breaks LIRC
K Stanton
- [mythtv-users] imedia Mythtv linux
Nick Rout
- [mythtv-users] Comcast On-Demand with Serial Control
Shane Liesegang
- [mythtv-users] Myth frontend/backend case
Jason Rottman
- [mythtv-users] Can't rip DVD's anymore - possible NFS mount problem?
Darren Richards
- [mythtv-users] mplayer + dvdnav?
John Brooks
- [mythtv-users] Jerky Nuv/LiveTV Playback
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] Selecting different sources
Nathan A. Smith
- [mythtv-users] Focus issue (with xine & snes)
Nathan A. Smith
- [mythtv-users] Can an iTunes TV download play on MythTV?
Matthew K. Lee
- [mythtv-users] Iwill mini PC
Jason W.
- [mythtv-users] Configuring a Dell MCE remote
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] using a biostar 210p with myth
Gabe Rubin
- [mythtv-users] media_settings.xml
Ronald Kohsman
- [mythtv-users] Twinhan DVB-T Berlin
thorsten at uni.de
- [mythtv-users] DVB-C StarHub compatible Conditional Access Module (CAM)
- [mythtv-users] Mythtv compilation problems on FC4
Malcolm Hill
- [mythtv-users] Program Guide speed on Epia M9000
Marco Ridoni
- [mythtv-users] Myth frontend/backend case
- [mythtv-users] US-Broadcast, Hauppage WinTV, Fedora Core 2
Yan Seiner
- [mythtv-users] How do I search for movies beyond next 24 hours?
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] no fast-forward + no commercia flagging --> frustration
Matt Price
- [mythtv-users] Sound cuts out after changing channels or starting to watch live tv
Chris McGee
- [mythtv-users] mythtvburn very hit and miss
Neil Bird
- [mythtv-users] hdtv file size?
Jesse Guardiani
- [mythtv-users] importing channels.conf
Dylan R. Semler
- [mythtv-users] How to tune security access in Mythweb
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv-users] How to tune security access in Mythweb
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv-users] tv_grab_de_tvtoday fails
Larry W
- [mythtv-users] Can MythTV do this?
Kris Cote
- [mythtv-users] How to make mass find-and-replace for MythVideo cover filenames?
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv-users] AverTV USB box & Mythtv - will it work in 0.19?
Stephen Hocking
- [mythtv-users] SB Audigy, no recorded sound
Thomas Baker
- [mythtv-users] Definitive guide for setting multimedia keyboards in Myth?
Richard Bronosky
- [mythtv-users] Can MythTV do this?
kteague at speakeasy.net
- [mythtv-users] Definitive guide for setting multimedia keyboards in Myth?
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] ALC850 help!
Kevin Denniss
- [mythtv-users] Micro-atx motherboards for high definition - recommendations?
Jerry Rubinow
- [mythtv-users] tv_grab_de_tvtoday fails
Larry W
- [mythtv-users] no fast-forward + no commercia flagging --> frustration
Steve Briggs
- [mythtv-users] Can MythTV do this?
- [mythtv-users] Can MythTV do this?
- [mythtv-users] ld can't find -lXxf86vm compile error... bummer....
- [mythtv-users] Recording problems
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] ffmpeg for transcoded NUV files?
Michael Still
- [mythtv-users] nuvexport error: ERROR: opening A/V streams
Mike Smith
- [mythtv-users] Question about filters
Michael Fox
- [mythtv-users] 3x Dvico Fusion DVB-T Lite cards in one backend?
Chris Henderson
- [mythtv-users] LiveTV not playing
Stuart Fox
- [mythtv-users] X consumes almost all CPU with XvMC and x86_64
Anssi Kanninen
- [mythtv-users] Ivtv 0.4.2 and bttv conflict on FC3
Brian Fischer
- [mythtv-users] NFS Kernel problem
- [mythtv-users] Downloading recorded shows from mythweb doesnt work (svn)
Christophe Zwecker
- [mythtv-users] NFS Kernel problem
- [mythtv-users] NFS Kernel problem
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and LVM
Matt Jordan
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and LVM
- [mythtv-users] Resize screen on TV with FX5200
Urban Nightmare
- [mythtv-users] NFS Kernel problem
Gavin Haslett
- [mythtv-users] MythTV and LVM
- [mythtv-users] runaway recordings due to slave backend disappearance
Peter T. Abplanalp
- [mythtv-users] OT: Seeking good socket940 PCI-X + PCI motherboard
- [mythtv-users] connecting mythbox to HD tv -- dvi->hdmi or vga->component
Gabe Rubin
- [mythtv-users] v4l - one last try....
Yan Seiner
- [mythtv-users] mythburn error calling mplex
Jonathan Smith
- [mythtv-users] Sling Media gets $46.6 million dollars in funding
Dean Collins
- [mythtv-users] Moving GUI
David A. Parker
- [mythtv-users] Manual channel configuration
maurice at perry.ch
- [mythtv-users] Manual channel configuration
maurice at perry.ch
- [mythtv-users] DVB EPG
Mike Richardson
- [mythtv-users] I'm stuck!! mythfilldatabase --manual
Ivan Eulaers
- [mythtv-users] Problem with yum
- [mythtv-users] Thread safe?
Dag Nygren
- [mythtv-users] Mapping channels to single keys
Pshem Kowalczyk
- [mythtv-users] Problem with yum
- [mythtv-users] runaway recordings due to slave backend disappearance
Peter T. Abplanalp
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:59:27 UTC 2006
Archived on: Sun Feb 12 19:07:08 UTC 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).