[mythtv-users] [Bulk] Re: Broadcast flag and a kick in the teeth

Dewey Smolka dsmolka at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 16:08:40 UTC 2006

On 1/26/06, Stan Zaske <swzaske at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Defeat the Republican Senators and Representatives up for election come
> November. Maybe then, we can largely get rid of the corrupt lobbyists
> buying our government away from us, the American People.

Unfortunately, the broadcast flag problem goes far beyond the
Republicans. In fact, Hollywood is much, much, much cozier with
Democrats than Republicans -- do you really think Sen Feinstein (D-CA)
is with us on this one? (She's the one who wants to send movie
'pirates' to Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.)

In fact, with the Broadcast Flag nonsense you'll get a lot more
sympathy from our cause from old-time small-government conservatives
than from nanny-government liberals.

Who do you imagine opposing the B-Flag -- John McCain (R-AZ) (who's
already gone after cable companies for price gouging), or Ted Kennedy
(D-MA) (who's never seen an opportunity to regulate he didn't like)?

I am certainly no Republican (the only Texan I ever voted for came in
third), but the Democrats are most definitely behind the broadcast
flag (in as much as they are behind anything these days other than the

But there are a few reasonable members in both houses on both sides.
I'm registered in WV, and I've been pleased as punch with Sen Byrd's
(D-WV) office. No on the war, no on the Pat Act, and certainly not in
Hollywood's pocket.

When you call and write your Senator or Representative (which you
should every time this issue comes up -- normal post is most likely to
get a response), there are a few points you should make:

* You are an inventor, an entrepreneur, and a voter. It doesn't matter
to what extent the first two are true -- there are a thousand ways to
build new businesses around PC-based media management. Your business
would bring investment and high-skill jobs to the state/congessional
district. The broadcast flag severely limits your abilities to do so.

You will get more sympathy from your reps if you take the 'hurts my
business / prospects' route rather than the 'I have a right to TV'

* If you talk about Myth, stress time-shifting, integration of
different media (especially home movies and digital photos), and open
source development. Avoid talking about things like dvd archiving, cd
ripping, and probably mythgame altogether (TV is alright, they've
heard about this 'ripping' thing and it's bad, and they don't
understand dvds nor care to. Games are bad).

* Be polite and formal. Avoid hyperbole. Speak in terms they can
understand -- you're a small business and a constituent, and you're
deeply concerned. Don't quote legislation or use legal terminology
unless you are a lawyer (or play one on the internet).

And don't count on this going away anytime soon. If it doesn't fly now
even with 'digital' and 'security' in the name, it may be wormed into
a must-pass security bill later. Happy times ahead.

What else should you tell your Congressman?

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