[mythtv-users] Overture case and heat

Tomi Makinen makinen at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 10:58:20 UTC 2006

I had the antec overture case with my intel 2500 + technotrend 2100 premium
and pvr 250.
heat went to about 60C at maximum load. I had put minimum  voltage to
processor, but nothing
special done. I had no problems with the case regarding temperature. The
power supply tho did not
like to cooperate with myh technotrend dvb-card and that is why I changed my

One overture for sale 8).

On 1/28/06, Urban Nightmare <urban at inetdesign.org> wrote:
> Brandon Beattie wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:31:40PM +0000, Julian Edwards wrote:
> >
> >> Urban Nightmare wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Hello everyone.
> >>>
> >>> I got this case
> >>> (http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=15728) a while back
> >>> and I've been dealing with the heat ever since.  I should also mention
> >>> that mine is old enough that it didn't have the side fan by the HD's
> and
> >>> no holes on top above the CPU.  I'm running a Gigabyte MB (IDE/IDE
> >>> raid/SATA raid), dual ddr, dual bios) with a Athlon 2500+ and 512Megs
> >>> ram.  Also in the case is a 6 gig root ide,  250 Gig /var/video, and
> 120
> >>> gig /var/video/media.  I've replaced the back fan with one that has
> >>> twice the air movement.  I've drilled a few holes above the CPU fan
> but
> >>> I just can't seem to keep the heat below 80C with the top on when
> >>> watching and recording at the same time (two capture cards).
> >>>
> >>> Just wondering if anyone else has this case and how do you keep this
> >>> thing cool.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> I've got the old case too with a Nova-T and a PVR-250 in it.  I've
> >> undervolted and underclocked my CPU and changed the rear fan to a
> better
> >> one.
> >>
> >> The internal and CPU temps are both about 45C, even under load.  I'd
> >> like to get the HDDs cooler but I don't think it's possible with this
> case.
> >>
> >
> > You should read the Linux HTPC howto.  On the enclosure page I have a
> > very thourough evaltuation of it and what I did to get it working half
> > way decent before I left it to collect dust.  In short it's part of a
> > collection of HTPC cases that should have never been sold.  Always check
> > reviews of any case you buy, especially HTPC.  You won't find a good
> > review of the overture anywhere.  It will run a Via c3 setup, or
> > anything less than 2ghz.  Never, ever, put drives in the drive cage
> > right next to the CPU.  Modify the case to pull morre ai throgh,
> > consider switching the direction of the PSU fan to push hot air out of
> > the case, instead of into it.  Add an extra fan to the back and next to
> > the CPU fan.  This case looks nice, but that's about it unless you're
> > running a very low temp setup.
> >
> Thanks for letting me know.  Tons of info there.  I'm thinking I may
> have to move the main back end to a regular case and move it downstairs
> where its nice and cool and get some lower end hardware for the
> Overture.  Either that or get a Silverstone.  I've looked at these
> before but only they are all special order any place here and I don't
> like having to special order then since I can't return it.
> On that note.  They also carry Thermaltake's VB200B(S)NS Tenor cases.
> They look to be a bit smaller but also have one side almost completely
> open.  They are also half the price of the Silverstone.  Any one here
> anything good or bad about these?
> Stephen
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