April 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Apr 1 02:57:15 UTC 2010
Ending: Fri Apr 30 18:01:47 UTC 2010
Messages: 237
- [mythtv] small patch for mythmusic
Emmanuel Anne
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24081 by robertm
Stuart Auchterlonie
- [mythtv] Quick Jack fix for 0.23
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Ticket6279 and changset 24131 ?
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Not decoding enough audio data?
Jean-Yves Avenard
- [mythtv] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
- [mythtv] Start Now Patch #8328 (Was Re: Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming, recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen)
- [mythtv] [mythtv-users] Suddenly lost part of the frontend settings
Thomas Börkel
- [mythtv] Preferred way of reporting problems with recent commits
Jason Chambers
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8036: MTD: Error getting volume name, setting to "Unknown"
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Help needed to track down a scheduling problem
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Left/Right keys not jumping?
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] searching trunk
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #4381: Using a Miscellaneous Status Information (see ticket #4049) makes mythbackend segfault occasionnally...
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #4381: Using a Miscellaneous Status Information (see ticket #4049) makes mythbackend segfault occasionnally...
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Conditional Compilation for Myth Version
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Preferred way of reporting problems with recent commits
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8367: Log storm from bad h264 decoded video
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8376: Patch for mythburn.py
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Not decoding enough audio data?
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8398: MythBrowser start with homepage function
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8398: MythBrowser start with homepage function
Michael T. Dean
- [mythtv] Ticket #7993: Minimyth error "Video frame buffering failed too many times" on aspect ratio switch
Chris Dennis
- [mythtv] searching trunk
Tom Dexter
- [mythtv] Ticket #8075: Patch to allow switching between all and only favorite channels in mythweb listings
Tom Dexter
- [mythtv] Johnny Walker wants to share "8366" with you
- [mythtv] Mythfrontend hangs when trying to ffw or rew
- [mythtv] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
David Engel
- [mythtv] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
David Engel
- [mythtv] Start Now Patch #8328 (Was Re: Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming, recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen)
David Engel
- [mythtv] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
David Engel
- [mythtv] 0.23rc2 build failed Mandriva 2009.1
Brian Foddy
- [mythtv] Again touch screen support
Micah F. Galizia
- [mythtv] Conditional Compilation for Myth Version
George Galt
- [mythtv] Conditional Compilation for Myth Version
George Galt
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8296: On the Hour Pauses / Crashes with LiveTV
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8367: Log storm from bad h264 decoded video
Robin Gilks
- [mythtv] AlbumArt on PS3 for Recorded TV has never worked. Fix Attached
Steve Glennon
- [mythtv] AlbumArt on PS3 for Recorded TV has never worked. Fix Attached
Steve Glennon
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Mark Goldberg
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Mark Goldberg
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Mark Goldberg
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Mark Goldberg
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Mark Goldberg
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8134: internal dvd player: fast dvd playback (not related to #7067)
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] Preferred way of reporting problems with recent commits
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] Johnny Walker wants to share "8366" with you
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8134: internal dvd player: fast dvd playback (not related to #7067)
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24239 - in trunk/mythtv/libs by skamithi
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] Preferred way of reporting problems with recent commits
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24250 by janne
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] DVD seg fault in 0.23
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] segfault in .23-fixes when starting playback
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24324 - in trunk/mythtv/libs by janne
Janne Grunau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r23990 by robertm
Paul Harrison
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Gavin Hurlbut
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Gavin Hurlbut
- [mythtv] Help needed to track down a scheduling problem
Roger James
- [mythtv] Help needed to track down a scheduling problem
Roger James
- [mythtv] Help needed to track down a scheduling problem
Roger James
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #4653: Allow Enable/Disable of deblocking loopfilter for h.264 ffmpeg (BBC HD support)
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #3639: Alternate music dir for upnp clients
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8296: On the Hour Pauses / Crashes with LiveTV
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Simon Kenyon
- [mythtv] Errors in win32 build script
Don Kitchen
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Otto Kolsi
- [mythtv] MythUI OSD branch and the way forward
Daniel Kristjansson
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Daniel Kristjansson
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
Daniel Kristjansson
- [mythtv] Changeset 23057 - mythdbcon.cpp
Daniel Kristjansson
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24250 by janne
Daniel Kristjansson
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Kevin Kuphal
- [mythtv] Data to MythWeather
Josu Lazkano
- [mythtv] Johnny Walker wants to share "8366" with you
Josu Lazkano
- [mythtv] MythUI OSD branch and the way forward
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24250 by janne
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] Ticket #8392: %YEAR% and %YEARSTARS% lack year data in Live TV
Yeechang Lee
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #7993: Minimyth error "Video frame buffering failed too many times" on aspect ratio switch
Tom Lichti
- [mythtv] Changeset 23057 - mythdbcon.cpp
Michael Ling
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Phil Linttell
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jeff Lu
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jeff Lu
- [mythtv] Ticket #8240: .srt subtitles do not work if brackets are in the filename
Kenni Lund
- [mythtv] Ticket #8240: .srt subtitles do not work if brackets are in the filename
Kenni Lund
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Kenni Lund
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Kenni Lund
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Kenni Lund
- [mythtv] (no subject)
Doug Lytle
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
- [mythtv] Fwd: DVB subtitles and delay
Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
- [mythtv] Ticket #8302: Frontend gets stuck changing themes
- [mythtv] Mythweb segfault only on recorded programs page?
- [mythtv] Mythweb segfault only on recorded programs page?
- [mythtv] Again touch screen support
Michael Marré
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24010 by nigel
Jonathan Martens
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jonathan Martens
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jonathan Martens
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jonathan Martens
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Jonathan Martens
- [mythtv] Errors in win32 build script
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Again touch screen support
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Ticket #8240: .srt subtitles do not work if brackets are in the filename
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Quick Jack fix for 0.23
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Ticket #8302: Frontend gets stuck changing themes
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Deciphering backtrace of loop/segfault
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r23990 by robertm
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8296: On the Hour Pauses / Crashes with LiveTV
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24100 - in trunk/mythplugins by robertm
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8345: r24120 packaging/rpm/build_myth.sh fails
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Data to MythWeather
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #6813: Patch to manage upcoming recordings from the "Watch Recordings" screen
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Attn Mac OS X devs: Default Qt version
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #7124: Mac Qt 4.4 problems
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24169 by danielk
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8357: add xdg-screensaver support
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Mythweb segfault only on recorded programs page?
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Mythweb segfault only on recorded programs page?
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8367: Log storm from bad h264 decoded video
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] DVD seg fault in 0.23
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Robert McNamara
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8345: r24120 packaging/rpm/build_myth.sh fails
Stanley Merkx
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8306: MythCenter-wide Theme uses odd Fonts
Stuart Morgan
- [mythtv] (no subject)
Stuart Morgan
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Stuart Morgan
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Stuart Morgan
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Nick Morrott
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8036: MTD: Error getting volume name, setting to "Unknown"
Richard Morton
- [mythtv] MythUI OSD branch and the way forward
George Nassas
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8306: MythCenter-wide Theme uses odd Fonts
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
R. G. Newbury
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
R. G. Newbury
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Steven Orton
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Steven Orton
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Steven Orton
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Steven Orton
- [mythtv] LiveTV on HVR-4000 not working- 0.22/F12
Michael PARKER
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Nigel Pearson
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Nigel Pearson
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
Nigel Pearson
- [mythtv] 0.23 and trunk interoperability
Nigel Pearson
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
Nigel Pearson
- [mythtv] DVD seg fault in 0.23
Robert Pfeifer
- [mythtv] Screen setup wizard
Robert Pfeifer
- [mythtv] DVD seg fault in 0.23
Robert Pfeifer
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24311 - in branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythtv/libs by cpinkham
Chris Pinkham
- [mythtv] searching trunk
John P Poet
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
John P Poet
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
John P Poet
- [mythtv] searching trunk
Marc Randolph
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8367: Log storm from bad h264 decoded video
Marc Randolph
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #7815: Terra theme uses UTF-8 in "Playback starting" message
Nicolas Riendeau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24100 - in trunk/mythplugins by robertm
Nicolas Riendeau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8333: Associate mythfilldatabase, mythcommflag, mythtranscode & mythlcdserver to their translation file
Nicolas Riendeau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #4381: Using a Miscellaneous Status Information (see ticket #4049) makes mythbackend segfault occasionnally...
Nicolas Riendeau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #4381: Using a Miscellaneous Status Information (see ticket #4049) makes mythbackend segfault occasionnally...
Nicolas Riendeau
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #7818: allow preffered input group for scheduling
Mark Spieth
- [mythtv] Ticket #6569: ac3 level is low for 5.1 source
Mark Spieth
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv] what are the right frequency offsets?
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv] Ticket #8309: MythCenter and MythCenter-wide Themes use inappropriate fill colors
Petr Stehlik
- [mythtv] Changeset 23057 - mythdbcon.cpp
Jim Stichnoth
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r24081 by robertm
Peter Stokes
- [mythtv] (no subject)
Hieu Le Trung
- [mythtv] (no subject)
Hieu Le Trung
- [mythtv] Quick Jack fix for 0.23
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Quick Jack fix for 0.23
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Theme Competition Voting Now Open
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Channel ordering wrong in 5.1 (at least for me)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Left/Right keys not jumping?
Ed W
- [mythtv] Audio code check?
Ed W
- [mythtv] Flac seeking problems (ticket 8218?)
Ed W
- [mythtv] Not decoding enough audio data?
Ed W
- [mythtv] Not decoding enough audio data?
Ed W
- [mythtv] Not decoding enough audio data?
Ed W
- [mythtv] MythDialog->AddButton/SLOT Question
Johnny Walker
- [mythtv] Johnny Walker wants to share "8366" with you
Johnny Walker
- [mythtv] segfault in .23-fixes when starting playback
Johnny Walker
- [mythtv] segfault in .23-fixes when starting playback
Johnny Walker
- [mythtv] irregular freezes with mythnews
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8367: Log storm from bad h264 decoded video
Kevin Wells
- [mythtv] Help testing #6719
Brooks Whiteford
- [mythtv] mplayer quality vs myth internal player
Bill Williamson
- [mythtv] searching trunk
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv] Attn Mac OS X devs: Default Qt version
Jarod Wilson
- [mythtv] searching trunk
Mark Yang
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8394: When watching a recording, up and down arrows will activate jump forward and jump back even though all key bindings are removed
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
- [mythtv] Schedule error ?
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8134: internal dvd player: fast dvd playback (not related to #7067)
stanley kamithi
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #3395: document internal dvd player functions.
stanley kamithi
- [mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #8134: internal dvd player: fast dvd playback (not related to #7067)
stanley kamithi
- [mythtv] Preferred way of reporting problems with recent commits
stanley kamithi
- [mythtv] Ticket #6898: Detect programs whose broadcasters claim are longer than their timeslot
f-myth-users at media.mit.edu
- [mythtv] Flac seeking problems (ticket 8218?)
paul10 at planar.id.au
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
- [mythtv] compile error building win32 port
- [mythtv] Ticket6279 and changset 24131 ?
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 18:01:47 UTC 2010
Archived on: Fri Apr 30 18:01:42 UTC 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).