[mythtv] Help testing #6719

Yeechang Lee ylee at pobox.com
Wed Apr 14 16:38:51 UTC 2010

John P Poet <jppoet at gmail.com> says:
> The patch is pretty invasive, however, so I am not comfortable
> committing it without some wider testing.

I have seen good results on my 0.22-fixes setup over the past week
using v1.5 of your patch and a HDHomRun, two FireWire cable boxes, and
a HD-PVR.[1] The signal detection materially helps with FireWire
tuning too.

[1] Out of commission for the time being. What are the causes/symptoms
of the "bug that can under certain conditions cause the HD-PVR to
become inoperable"?

Frontend/backend:	P4 3.0GHz, 1.5TB software RAID 5 array
Backend:		Quad-core Xeon 1.6GHz, 6.6TB sw RAID 6
Video inputs:		Four high-definition over FireWire/OTA
Accessories:		47" 1080p LCD, 5.1 digital, and MX-600

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