[mythtv-users] season and episode population from schedules direct json has been incomplete.

Paul Harrison mythtv at mythqml.net
Sun Jan 21 14:49:46 UTC 2024

On 21/01/2024 14:27, Mike Perkins wrote:

> On 21/01/2024 14:18, Tom Dexter wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 2:08 PM Gary Buhrmaster
>> <gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 5:32 PM Gary Buhrmaster
>>> <gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> (*) And if you can create a reproducer, open a bug
>>>> with that grabber (the usual problem is creating a
>>>> reliable reproducer as anecdotal reports are
>>>> rarely entirely helpful).
>>> It looks like someone (perhaps someone from
>>> this thread?) opened a bug report with what
>>> looks like a likely cause against that grabber.
>>> I presume the author of that grabber will
>>> review the bug and work up a fix at some
>>> point.
>> Interesting. That definitely sounds like it explains what's happening.
>> I wonder what exactly changed given that it was working.
>> Now that I've switched to the sqlite version I'm fine with that. It
>> seems to be working great in fact. I'm pretty comfortable with that,
>> especially now that I know how to do things like manually enabling or
>> disabling channels in its sqlite database without using the rather
>> tedious method that the grabber itself has.
> Actually it looks like a fix may already have been made. I have 
> noticed that some, but not all, of the programs which were missing 
> SxxExx info now have them. I assume that many of the rest will be 
> updated as the records are refreshed or replaced.

The author of the grabber has only just fixed the problem in his fork of 


There is a pull request for the issue but as of the time of writing this 
message it hasn't yet been pulled into xmltv yet so unless you are using 
kgroeneveld fork of xmltv it's still broken.


It will be some time before this makes it into the various distro's as 
well. xmltv will likely have to do a release before they pick up the fix.

Paul H.

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