[mythtv-users] Android Mythrontend on Firestck 4K

Bob Wiegand wiegandbob at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 13:11:02 UTC 2023

Sorry I can't offer any suggestions, but I had similar problems with a Fire
TV box.

Leanfront did work for me. You might give it a try so at least you can use
it while you investigate.

On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 1:12 PM Ken Mandelberg <km at mathcs.emory.edu> wrote:

> I'm trying to run the Android Mythfrontend on a Firestick 4K without any
> luck. Has anyone succeeded at this? It fails the initial authentication
> against the Mysql database on the backend.
> This is against Peter's latest build of the 32 bit version. Peter had
> some suggestions, but nothing has worked.
> Some notes:
> Mysql sees sees the query and the mysql log shows
> 2023-09-23T20:02:39.007635Z     7975 Connect mythtv at fire4k.kmhome on
> mythconverg using TCP/IP
> 2023-09-23T20:02:39.007719Z     7975 Connect    Access denied for user
> 'mythtv'@'fire4k.kmhome' (using password: NO)
> I have several Linux machines with mythfrontend running against the same
> mysql database successfully and the mysql log shows
> 2023-09-23T20:04:17.913574Z      7979 Connect mythtv at kmnuc-w.kmhome on
> mythconverg using SSL/TLS
> 2023-09-23T20:04:17.915495Z      7979 Init DB   mythconverg
> The problem is not based on a permission error on the mysql server. The
> other clients had no problem, but at Peter's suggested I opened it even
> wider for a test adding a "mythtv'@'%" user with a wide open grant of
> permissions. It's not permissions.
> I also snooped the wire to see what the firestick was sending in its
> authentication dialog. I won't post all the voluminous details, but in
> decoding the mysql transaction I noticed
>         Username: mythtv
>          Schema: mythconverg
>          Client Auth Plugin: dummy_fallback_auth
>          Connection Attributes
>              Connection Attributes length: 113
>              Connection Attribute - _os: Android
>              Connection Attribute - _client_name: libmariadb
>                  ...
>                  Connection Attribute Value: libmariadb
> The reference to mariadb caught my eye since the backend uses mysql, as
> well as the Auth Plugin.
> Any help?
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