[mythtv-users] Hauppauge HVR5525 mpeg risc op code error

Klaas de Waal klaas.de.waal at gmail.com
Tue May 24 20:21:25 UTC 2022

On Tue, 24 May 2022 at 16:08, Ken Smith via mythtv-users <
mythtv-users at mythtv.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having the same problem as has been reported elsewhere with a
> Hauppauge QuadHD card that uses the cx23885 driver module. The card will
> go unresponsive. This on a fairly fast server with a pair of Xeon 5675
> processors, that is used for other things too. I have compiled the
> latest DVB Media drivers in order to get a newer driver with the
> "dma_reset_workaround=2" work around.
> I believe my problem is with the cx23885 driver. The cx23885 seems a
> fairly common among PCIe DTV cards. I'm not having much luck with the
> Linux Media mailing list, it looks like its deceased. Does any one know
> what may have replaced that list?
> Looks to me that the linux-media mailing list is still alive, but only
used by developers. Possibly there are fora for other media
center applications that can use this tuner such as Kodi or TVHeadend.
It could also be a firmware issue. A quick search on the internet shows
that the file is called v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw but two files I just
downloaded do have different checksums so it is worth a try experimenting
with this. Look at the kernel log after boot, as shown with dmesg, for
messages about firmware loading and firmware versions.

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