[mythtv-users] mythburn.py with cutlist: ERR: Cannot jump to chapter 7 of title 1, only 6 exist

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Thu Mar 6 14:27:25 UTC 2014

On 06/03/14 13:16, Will Dormann wrote:
> On 3/6/14, 7:43 AM, John Pilkington wrote:
>> Good.  I think you may have fixed a primordial bug here.

Hmm. Regrettably, I hadn't tried the same test with my usual version of 
mythburn.py without your latest patch.  I just did, and that completed 
too.  I do recollect seeing the error in the past, but then it did seem 
likely to be with a faulty recording.  So I'm still puzzled - but glad 
it works for you.

My input this time was a 'recording' created by a ProjectX-based 
concatenation of 8 pre-cut 11-min recordings, with the cutlist leaving 
the first one or two minutes of each.  The 8 chapter marks are 74 
seconds apart.


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