[mythtv-users] New blue-abstract theme 1.8

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Sep 21 08:01:37 UTC 2012

Zitat von Gordon McCrae <gordon.mccrae at gmail.com>:

> On 20/09/12 09:36, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Scott harris <scott.harris0509 at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Am 15.09.2012 02:43, schrieb Scott & Nicole Harris:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi everybody, I just wanted to announce on the mailing list  
>>>>>>>>>> that a new version
>>>>>>>>> of the blue-abstract theme is out.
>>>>>>>>>> It has undergone a major rewrite. There were tons of changes,
>>>>>>>>> which can be seen in the changelog or on github.
>>>>>>> Robert, I downloaded version 1.8 a few days ago, and I'm very  
>>>>>>> impressed with how polished it is. Thanks.
>>>>>> A few more issues I noticed while using the new version for a few days:
>>>>>> - The OSD element in top left corner is not taking GUI offsets into
>>>>>> account. I use different resolutions for video vs. GUI and while
>>>>>> watching recordings, the top left corner of the screen is outside the
>>>>>> viewport, so that this OSD element is only partially visible.
>>>>>> - I wonder why there are distinct background images missing for some
>>>>>> major menu points like Media Library.
>>>>>> - The upcoming recording entries aren't colored, which makes it hard
>>>>>> to determine the different state of the different recordings from each
>>>>>> other.
>>>>>> - The auto-scrolling of some text areas is far to fast, e.g. for the
>>>>>> episode descriptions. I'd rather have them not scrolling at all, so I
>>>>>> can always read the beginning of the description and hit INFO for the
>>>>>> complete text.
>>>>> Regarding the missing background images: I use my own (imho  
>>>>> better structured) menu (which you can activate in the  
>>>>> appearance settings, it called blue-abstract-menu). There I  
>>>>> don't use the media gallery. I'll add the background to it in  
>>>>> the next version.
>>>>> I'll add some color to the upcoming recording text.
>>>>> Unfortunately there is no option to change the scrolling speed.  
>>>>> I'll think about disabling it. You can still disable the  
>>>>> scrolling yourself in the xml file.
>>>> Dont disable it, its one of the best features of this theme. IMO.
>>> Agreed
>> So how do you guys actually read the scrolling content with the  
>> current scrolling speed, if the episode description is like 10  
>> lines longs, but you only see 4 lines at once? I might not be the  
>> fastest reader, but I doubt anyone could really read those with the  
>> current settings.
>> A slower scrolling speed would definitely help too, though I'd  
>> still prefer to only read the full description on demand, because  
>> everybody has a different reading speed, and you might not start  
>> reading right after opening the recording, so you missed the first  
>> lines and need to wait until the scrolling loops back. Bad  
>> usability IMO.
> Actually, I love the idea of the text scrolling, It's been a bugbear  
> of mine for a while that there's a word or two missing from a text  
> field, and I have to go into the "full detail" window to see it.
> However, while it works well in the "Watch Recordings" screen where  
> 99% of the "details" are only one or two lines over the limit of the  
> panel, some stuff in "Watch Videos" has very long details, and it  
> is, I agree, impossible to read, so either a control somewhere to  
> specify speed, or perhaps a "pause" button to stop the scrolling  
> temporarily while we read the section currently on screen?
> In general I like 1.8, however I must say I preferred 1.7's animated  
> icon when a programme was recording to the pulsing cog that 1.8 has,  
> and I also feel that background images in the menus is distracting  
> and a little tacky, one of the things that I liked about  
> blue-abstract was that it didn't have naff images of TVs and  
> turntables, so that's a bit of a backward step for me, but I guess  
> I'll get used to it!

The icon pulses? I never noticed. :)

Regarding the backdrop images, I'm obviously in the opposite camp.  
Before 1.8, the theme made a rather incomplete impression to me, so  
that I never sticked with it after using it for a while. One of the  
reasons was the missing background images.

> I would like to echo the earlier comments about having the ability  
> to turn things on and off, or vary speeds etc. Perhaps in a config  
> file, perhaps in the MythFrontend menu, I don't care, but the  
> ability to do this would be fantastic.
> One simple way to disable the scrolling is pick QT instead of Auto  
> or OpenGL for your paint engine. Mine was set to "Qt" by default and  
> I was about to post as to why I couldn't get animated text fields,  
> but then thought to check this and test in OpenGL. One obvious  
> question, is there any obvious advantage / disadvantage to using the  
> OpenGL paint engine?
> Cheers
> Gordon
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Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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