[mythtv-users] Totally lost ...

Casey K casey.tgirl at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 00:33:27 UTC 2010

Hi everybody. Well I think MythTV looks really kewl and I would love to use
it only I can't get it to work and I'm totally lost. Everything I read on
message boards is just getting me more confused. Can anybody help me - like
walk me through how to get it working?

It seems like it's so close to working but when I go to "Watch Live TV" all
I get is a kind of test pattern with a "1" in the middle of the screen and
then after about 5 seconds it puts me back at the menu.

Here's the messages from mythbackend when I start that:

[casey at localhost ~]$ mythbackend
2010-03-10 16:16:48.802 mythbackend version: tags/release-0-22 [0.22]
2010-03-10 16:16:48.802 Using runtime prefix = /usr
2010-03-10 16:16:48.802 Using configuration directory = /home/casey/.mythtv
2010-03-10 16:16:48.803 Empty LocalHostName.
2010-03-10 16:16:48.803 Using localhost value of localhost.localdomain
2010-03-10 16:16:48.838 New DB connection, total: 1
2010-03-10 16:16:48.843 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2010-03-10 16:16:48.844 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
2010-03-10 16:16:48.845 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2010-03-10 16:16:48.852 Current MythTV Schema Version (DBSchemaVer): 1244
2010-03-10 16:16:48.856 MythBackend: Starting up as the master server.
2010-03-10 16:16:48.861 New DB connection, total: 2
2010-03-10 16:16:48.862 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2010-03-10 16:16:48.868 New DB connection, total: 3
2010-03-10 16:16:48.869 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2010-03-10 16:16:48.886 Channel(/dev/video0) Error: GetCurrentChannelNum():
Failed to find Channel
2010-03-10 16:16:48.887 Channel(/dev/video0)::TuneTo(): Error, failed to
find channel.
2010-03-10 16:16:48.909 New DB scheduler connection
2010-03-10 16:16:48.910 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2010-03-10 16:16:48.935 MediaServer:: Loopback address specified - Disabling UPnP
2010-03-10 16:16:48.936 Main::Registering HttpStatus Extension
2010-03-10 16:16:48.937 Enabled verbose msgs:  important general
2010-03-10 16:16:48.940 AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space:
1.0 GB w/freq: 15 min
2010-03-10 16:16:51.922 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2010-03-10 16:16:51.958 Scheduled 0 items in 0.0 = 0.00 match + 0.03 place
2010-03-10 16:16:51.964 Seem to be woken up by USER

Be so nice if you can help me. Thanks!!!

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