[mythtv-users] export to DVD failing...

F Peeters (MythTV) francesco at fampeeters.com
Sat Jan 20 19:54:22 UTC 2007

I have 2 movies that have been recorded from TV with a PVR250.

After they were recorded I marked the parts at the front and end I didn't
want, as well as the auto-detected comemrcial breaks, and did a lossless
transcode after that.

Now I want to put them on a DVD, so my DD can watch them on her DVD player
and I can flush them off my drive. (No, she doesn't have a myth frontend
in her room!)

So I selected the movies, went to export, selected DVD, selected the myth
theme for the menu's and selected LP (4 hours on single layer DVD)

Because it us my first try, I opted to make an ISO, rather than burning
directly to DVD, as my attempts with the mythburn tool on .19 were less
than satisfactory (it tried to put 5 GB on a single layer DVD!)

I started the ISO/DVD creation process, but after a while it aborted with
an error.

I have pasted the log below.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

----- Log file -----
2007-01-20 17:40:32 mythburn.py (0.1.20060910-1) starting up...
2007-01-20 17:40:32 Obtaining MythTV settings from MySQL database for
hostname M
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Obtaining date and time settings from MySQL database
for hos
tname MythTV
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Processing Mythburn job number 1.
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Options - mediatype = 0, doburn = 0, createiso = 1,
rw = 0
2007-01-20 17:40:33           savefilename = ''
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Looking for:
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Loading font 0, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 23
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Loading font 1, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 18
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Loading font 2, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 16
2007-01-20 17:40:33 wantIntro: 1, wantMainMenu: 1, wantChapterMenu:1,
sPage: 0
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Final DVD Video format will be pal
2007-01-20 17:40:33 There are 2 files to process
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Pre-processing file '1012_20070102094600.mpg' of type
2007-01-20 17:40:33           Pipo en de p-p-Parelridder
2007-01-20 17:40:33 Video resolution is 720 by 576
2007-01-20 17:40:34 Pre-processing file '1031_20061216195700.mpg' of type
2007-01-20 17:40:34           Dr. Suess' The cat in the hat
2007-01-20 17:40:34 Video resolution is 720 by 576
2007-01-20 17:40:34
2007-01-20 17:40:34 Processing file 1012_20070102094600.mpg of type recording
2007-01-20 17:40:34
2007-01-20 17:40:34 File type is 'mpeg'
2007-01-20 17:40:34 Video codec is 'mpeg2video'
2007-01-20 17:40:34 Running mythtranscode --mpeg2 to fix any errors
2007-01-20 17:45:54 Failed while running mythtranscode to cut commercials
 clean up an mpeg2 file.
Result: 256, Command was mythtranscode --mpeg2 -c 1012 -s
2007-01-02T09:46:00 -o
2007-01-20 17:45:54 Failed to run mythtrancode to fix any errors
2007-01-20 17:45:54 File will be re-encoded using profile LP
2007-01-20 17:45:56 Preferred audio languages dut and dut
2007-01-20 17:45:56 Video id: 0x1e0, Audio1: [1] 0x1c0 (MP2, N/A), Audio2:
- 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2007-01-20 17:45:56 Aspect ratio is 4:3
2007-01-20 17:45:56 Re-encoding audio and video
2007-01-20 17:45:56 Encoding profile (LP) found
2007-01-20 17:45:56 ffmpeg -v 1 -i "/Myth/Video/1012_20070102094600.mpg"
-r pal
-target dvd -b 2344 -s 352x576 -acodec ac3 -ab 192 -ac 2 -copyts -aspect
4:3 "/m
yth/work/1/newfile2.mpg" -map 0:0 -map 0:1
2007-01-20 18:46:37
2007-01-20 18:46:37 ERROR: Failed while running mytharchivehelper to get
information from "/myth/work/1/newfile2.mpg"
2007-01-20 18:46:37
2007-01-20 18:46:37
2007-01-20 18:46:38 Terminated
----- End of Log -----

F Peeters
  PC-Chips M863G Geode - NVidia 440 - Hauppauge PVR250
  Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) - XFCE - MythTV 0.20 - Xine
  Panasonic NV-VHD1 VCR/DVD player case modded to fit it all in...

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