[mythtv-users] MythArchive errors out with dvdauthor

Matt skd5aner at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 17:53:28 UTC 2007

On 8/16/07, Joe Ripley <vitaminjoe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/16/07, Matt <skd5aner at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Tried again yesterday with current SVN... I still get the "Cannot jump
> > to chapter" issue.  Again, it seems there are lots of folks I can find
> > via google who have run into this issue, but can't seem to find a fix.
> >  Anyone out there have any ideas?
> I had this exact same problem when I tried to use dvdauthor on files
> that were transcoded to MPEG2 by mencoder.  The problem has something
> to do with mal-formatted mpeg2 files... I think.
> I was attempting to use MythArchive's "Don't re-encode" option to save
> time, however, all I got was that same error.  To fix it, I had to use
> one of the other Encoder Profiles (i.e. SP, LP, etc.).  This forces
> MythArchive to re-encode the video.  After that, the problem went
> away.  As far as I know, MythArchive uses ffmpeg to transcode, and it
> seems to do a better job than anything else when used with dvdauthor.
> --
> Joe Ripley
> vitaminjoe at gmail.com
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OK, I'll give it a shot.


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