[mythtv-users] Manual Scheduling - bug?

Nick knowledgejunkie at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 13:39:49 EST 2005

On 01/11/05, Bruce Markey <bjm at lvcm.com> wrote:
> James Angi wrote:
> > I only use MythTV with manual scheduling and have noticed the following
> > bug/feature. When you setup a recording "...in this timeslot every day"
> > on a weekday, weekends are skipped. If you setup an 'everyday' recording
> > on a weekend day it truely records every day. Can anyone tell me if I'm
> > just doing something wrong?
> What you've done wrong is either thought too hard or not enough =).
> This is a feature not a bug. For many things it is valid and preferred
> to record only on weekdays and for other things, seven days a week
> is the only right thing to do. Setting the "Date or day of the week:"
> to Sat or Sun is a convenient way to make this distinction. This is
> quite intuitive as others like yourself had no problem figuring out
> how it works then chose to ask if it was a bug.
> I suppose there could be a note on the manual page to point out this
> intended behavior. This may look junky and should fit on a single line.
> Would something like this be useful?

On behalf of other MythTV users who 'just want it to work', could
these undocumented 'features' be explicitly detailed, especially if
there is likely to be a high degree of confusion (such as the meaning
of 'every day'). Why isn't there an option so that if you set up the
schedule between Mon-Fri, you see two options:

- Record Mon-Fri
- Record every day

This explicitly gives the user the resulting behaviour, and also adds
more functionality at the same time.

An additional option that is reachable via the UI rather than having
to hack the database is always preferable too. In my experience of
using MythTV for just over a year, there are several features that I
would ideally like the user to have some degree of custom control

I am not a dev, and  would hope this would be taken on board not as a
criticism but as a way to make MythTV easier to use for everyone,
rather than assuming everyone will 'discover' these features after the


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