[mythtv-users] safe_mythbackend script?

Eni Gma enigma at thedonnerparty.com
Mon Jul 7 21:10:53 EDT 2003

Chris Petersen wrote:

>Has anyone given any thought about writing a safe_mythbackend script
>similar to safe_mysqld?  For those who are unfamiliar, this is basically
>a little shell script that monitors the mysql server and makes sure that
>it's always running.  I've run into times when mythbackend has died
>without my noticing, and it would be nice if it had been able to start
>itself back up again.
I use this for my backends:

while [ true ]; do
        /usr/local/bin/mythbackend >> /var/log/myth.log 2>&1 &
        wait $!
        echo "MYTH CRASHED AGAIN! " >> /var/log/myth.log

And this for my frontends:

export DISPLAY=localhost:0
# We'll hang up in here, just for runlevel 4
while [ true ]; do
        #Start X
        /usr/X11R6/bin/X > /var/log/xout.log 2>&1 &
        echo "X starting:PID $!"
        sleep 5
        /usr/local/bin/blackbox &
        echo "Blackbox starting:PID $!"
        # Don't let screen blank
        /usr/X11R6/bin/xset -dpms s off
        ## Start Myth
        echo "Starting Myth"
        /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend >> /var/log/myth.log 2>&1 &
        echo "MythTV started, PID $MYTHPID" >> /var/log/myth.log 2>&1
        echo "Starting Irxevent"
        /etc/init.d/irx start
        # Change virtual terminals to make tv-out work on certain ATI chips
        # Don't do this on the Radeon, it does just fine without it
        #/usr/bin/chvt 1
        #/usr/bin/chvt 7

        wait $MYTHPID
        /etc/init.d/irx stop

        # Kill the X server (for debugging X problems, probably can be 
commented out)
        pkill blackbox
        pkill X
        # Wait for processes to exit before restarting
        sleep 4
        # Count the number of times we have done this, sleep if we 
respawn too much
        x=$(( $x + 1 ))
        if [ $x -gt $SPAWNLIMIT ]; then
                echo "ERROR: Myth respawing too much, disabling for 10 
                sleep 600

exit 0

>I doubt it would be hard to adapt mysql's script, so maybe I'll poke
>around at it if someone doesn't beat me to it (I'm preparing for my
>in-law's 25th wedding anniversary so it'd be a couple of days).
>What do others think about this, though?
I run the above scripts from init, so even if the scripts exit or are 
killed it will automatically restart.  I have the following in my 

# Run Myth in runlevel 4

This respawns the frontend script above in runlevel 4 (a custom runlevel 
I set up for Myth, most distros don't use 4).  You could just have 
/usr/local/bin/mythfrontend in the above snippet and it would just 
respawn the myth process rather than killing the WM, X and LIRC like my 
script does.

>How robust is mythfrontend if it loses connection with the backend? 
>will it recover if a new instance of the backend reappears?
No.  If you are in the menus you can navigate, but once you get to 
something that requires the backend the frontend process will freeze.  


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