[mythtv] 'Never Record' button and Subtitle then Desc method

Stuart Morgan stuart at tase.co.uk
Tue Apr 3 22:58:23 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 3 April 2007 23:22:06 Martin Long wrote:
> No... this one threw me at first, but look closely - kDupCheckSubDesc will
> actually satisfy 2 of the conditions. It satisfies BOTH these conditions:
> 	(dupmethod & kDupCheckSub) && subtitle != ""
>       (dupmethod & kDupCheckDesc) && description != ""
> Note the bitwise & -  kDupCheckSub is 2, kDupCheckDesc is 4 so
> kDupCheckSubDesc, being 6 actually satisfies BOTH of the bitwise AND
> conditions. Clever trick that!

Doh! I didn't actually look closely enough at the enum values and assumed 
kDupCheckSubDesc was 8.

If no-one has beaten me to it by tomorrow morning, I'll commit the fix. :)
Stuart Morgan

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