[mythtv] Incorrect colors with ATI X1400

Torbjörn Jansson torbjorn.jansson at mbox200.swipnet.se
Tue Aug 22 20:44:23 UTC 2006

mythtv-dev-bounces at mythtv.org <> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 21:06 +0200, Torbjörn Jansson wrote:
>> I don't know if this is related and/or the same problem but recently
>> all my analog recordings looks bluish, maybe blue and red have been
>> swaped or something. This is on a epia frontend.
>> Dvb recordings looks fine, it's only the analog mpeg4 recordings
>> that have this problem, and the preview image in watch recordings
>> screen looks fine.
> This is a different problem, you need to adjust the recorder's hue
> setting. Go into LiveTV, hit the "G" key until it says "Hue" in the
> OSD, then adjust it with the left and right arrow keys until the
> picture looks good. 

Recorder's hue? You mean that the actualy recording have been recorded with
wrong hue?
If so, i don't agree with you.

The reason is that i can play the analog recordings just fine on my windows
box and it works just fine, no hue problems.
If it was a recorderer problem i should have gotten mixedup colors in
windows too.

I think this is a playback problem somewere.

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