[Semi-OT]: TWC Firewire [Was: Re: [mythtv] [patch] firewire mpeg2ts input]

Nate Carlson natecars at natecarlson.com
Sat Feb 5 23:55:16 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Nate Carlson wrote:
> Yeah, after getting bounced around between a bunch of techs, they are 
> going to bring out a 3250HD with firewire on Friday. We'll see.  :)

Well, the tech called me Friday afternoon, and said they didn't have a 
digital box with firewire in stock. They ordered one for me, and he said 
he'd bring it by Tuesday morning before I go to work (the guy was really 
helpful, at least!). I think this is a good sign - at least they didn't 
try to give me a digital box without firewire.

| nate carlson | natecars at natecarlson.com | http://www.natecarlson.com |
|       depriving some poor village of its idiot since 1981            |

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