[mythtv] DVB patch

Simon Wilkinson simon at sxw.org.uk
Fri Nov 19 00:25:20 UTC 2004

Taylor Jacob wrote:

> Use the other "fixup" version.  This will be automaticlly turned on based on the
> NetworkID in future versions, so it will be placed correctly.


>  > * The scanner doesn't handle NITs which contain multiple frequencies for
>>   a given transponder. These show up in the UK on those transmitters
>>   that relay off others. The data appears to be held in a 0x63 section
>>   coming after the TerrestrialDeliverySystem block. I can manage to
>>   decode the frequency list, but I'm not sure what to do with them after
>>   that. Should the TransportObject be extended to store a list of
>>   frequencies, and only the first one that tunes sucessfully be added to
>>   the database?
> Are these outside of DVB specs?   I need to look into this, since it makes sense
> to include all transmitters that have the same content in the same plce..

I don't have a copy of the specs to hand. I can give you some code that 
decodes these packets into a list of frequencies, but I'm just not sure
what to do with them after that. One thought was that the database could 
be extended to hold a list of frequencies as well as the current 
'sucessful' frequency for each transport. If tuning on the 'sucessful' 
frequency failed at any point, DVBChannel::TuneTransport could then try 
tuning on each transport in the list before giving up.

I'm happy to implement the above, if you think that's the way to go.

>>* I've also started looking at support for using the UK-specific channel
>>   number information to allocate the channel numbers, rather than using
>>   the DVB IDs. Is anyone else looking into this, before I reproduce
>>   their effort?
> Ive got samples of them, and was planning on doing this soon.. I just need to
> parse the ServiceDescriptor and make it part of NIT processing, and to make the
> SQL add in the ChannelNumber..

Ok - I'll hold off on this, if you're happy to do it!

> If you want to help there are some other things that no one is working on yet
> that we could always use help with..  http://www.digitalregime.com/mythdvb/

I'll take a look at that list. As I said, I've only got DVB-T here, so 
my ability to help with the satellite related things is somewhat limited.



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