[mythtv-users] Converting from DD to xmltv

Peter Bennett pb.mythtv at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 16:08:39 UTC 2018

On 11/11/18 8:25 AM, Richard Shaw wrote:
> It wants to run mythfilldatabase at the same time from when I did it 
> manually, 8:52 in the morning which is not a good time. I manually 
> went into mythweb->database and adjusted the next run time (had to 
> convert from Zulu time).  That way it's not a problem because it does 
> pretty much bring the computer to a crawl while running and it's 
> closer to an hour...
If you have a lot of channels (e.g. Comcast) mythfilldatabase xmltv can 
use a huge amount of memory. If the system starts swapping it will take 
a really long time. I split it to run three days at a time, taking 7 
runs. The whole thing completes in five or ten minutes. This is on a 
backend system with 4 GB main memory.


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