[mythtv-users] Storage group 'Types' (from bug 12680)

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Wed Mar 16 11:37:43 UTC 2016

On 03/16/2016 07:26 AM, thigger wrote:
> In terms of running with the modification causing issues for me
> personally; I'll take the risk (and there's the beauty of
> open-source!)

Well, the risk I was actually concerned about was the risk of an issue 
you report that's due to your changes causing other people to waste 
their time trying to help you.  This has happened before--many 
times--and wasted untold hours of time from many people, developers and 
fellow users included.

So, basically, just keep in mind that your copy is different from other 
people's and please make sure you do your best to verify (even if that 
means recompiling and retesting without your changes) the problem 
exists--and its exact symptoms/extent/...--on an unmodified copy of 
MythTV before reporting any issues.


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