[mythtv-users] ratpoison/mythfrontend issues.

Michael A Weber mweberjunk01 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 18:39:43 UTC 2014

On Nov 18, 2014, at 2:40 AM, Rob Verduijn <rob.verduijn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I've recently reinstalled my mythtv living room frontend.
> It's now running fedora with kdm as display manager and kde as a window manager.
> However, I've find that these take some time before I see my familiar mythtv screen. (no surprise here)
> So I tried to set the display manager to mythfrontend (used to work fine for me) , and I can see it start in the logs but after a while the screen stays black.
> I figured that it could be caused because this is a non-supported setup, so I tried adding ratpoison as a window manager, but the screen still stays black.
> This was the fully automated login and mythtv startup.
> When I do a manual login into ratpoison desktop.
> Launch an xterm and start mythfrontend, and it works.
> This makes me think this is not related to mythfrontend without window manager, but rather an option used to launch mythfrontend.
> Anybody who has run into this and managed to get it to work ?
> I would like to improve my boot time, it seems to take forever when you are waiting for it.
> (for real its about 18(ish) seconds untill the mythtv menu appears)
> Rob
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I’m not running Fedora and the likes, but rather CentOS (6.5 IIRC) and use ratpoison as my window manager.

I only use ratpoison in run level 3, which is where it goes at boot by default and for typical mythtv fronted.  Something tells me that when I set this up, I had something happening that required the “sleep 10” statements, but not sure if this was it.

If something goes wrong and it crashes, I go to a solid black screen and can’t do anything but SSH into it and reboot it.  If I change run levels from an SSH session to 5 and then back to 3, I get a solid black screen again.  The only thing I can do is bring it up from boot and it works.

I don’t think anything is strange or out of the ordinary, but here is my .xinitrc file:

sleep 10
xset -dpms
xset s off
xset -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0
xsetroot -solid black
if [ `runlevel | tail -c 2 | head -c 1` = "3" ]
ratpoison &
while [ ! -f "/var/lock/subsys/mythbackend" ]; do
  sleep 2
sleep 10
mythfrontend > /home/mythtv/mythfrontend.log 2>&1

and my .ratpoisonrc file:

# This is a sample .ratpoisonrc file
# Set the prefix key to that of screen's default
escape C-r

# put something informative on the screen while we load stuff
exec xloadimage -onroot -quiet -center /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mythtvstart.jpg

# Gets rid of that ugly crosshairs default cursor and set the background to black
exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr

# Use the name of the program rather than the title in the window list
defwinname name

### fire up an xterm with ctrl-A x
bind x exec xterm -j -fn '*-courier-*-r-*-14-*'

# Since running a 720x576 definition the ratpoison screens are too big for the
# display so we reduce the size of them with defpadding to make them fit
#defpadding 25 25 25 25

keystate_numlock = enable

Hopefully you get it working!  Good luck.

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