[mythtv-users] Removing ATrpms from Fedora 20

Gary Buhrmaster gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 23:06:18 UTC 2014

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Paul Stillwell <bigboi at wackywombats.com> wrote:
> I tried that before and it only lists 3 packages, none of which are mythtv (which I have installed from atrpms) so I know that it is missing a ton of stuff.

Yeah, as I said, it does require a recent(y) yum and
a recent(y) install to have tracked all the packages properly.
F17 is possibly too old.

I am going to suggest you install F20 clean.  Fedora
upgrades have often left surprises behind (fedup has
gotten better, but I recall quite regularly finding stuff
that I needed to manually fix or remove).  You also
get to test your disaster recovery documentation.
What could go wrong?

> Anyone else have an idea?

If you no longer have the atrpms repo installed, you
could try:
   package-cleanup --orphans
if nothing else, it might also identify other detritus
from a F17 to F20 upgrade.

As a last resort, since you are sure you have some older
atrpms myth packages around, you could do a find across
your base /etc, /usr, and /var filesystems looking for
a filename which includes myth, and then use rpm to
determine what package owns that file.  Slow, but,
in theory, it would work. (rpm -qf <file_name>).
And, the really ugly approach, just do the rpm -qf
for every file on your file system, and make sure
you know (and accept) the origin.

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