[mythtv-users] ?Card?

Daryl McDonald darylangela at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 18:40:32 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:17 PM, George Nassas <gnassas at mac.com> wrote:

> On 2013-06-20, at 12:57 PM, Daryl McDonald wrote:
> Hey guys, let me clutch at one last straw. Do we know that Strickland's
> patch has been applied to Mythtv 0.25? Or are we assuming that I did
> something with it other than look at it?
> The patch doesn’t get applied to myth, it’s against the kernel. The
> changes update some existing parts of the kernel and create a new module,
> “ir-something-kworld-something,” I forget the details. Anyway, if a system
> has that new ir module then it’s safe to assume it has the patch and we did
> confirm its presence in your version of ubuntu so you’ve got the patch.
> The problem is the driver is written for a card with PCI ID 17de:a134 and
> you have a card with PCI ID 17de:a135. Manufacturers change IDs like that
> when they update the components in a way that’s incompatible so the driver
> writers know to do something different to support it.
> So, even though the box said PC150-U it might just as well said PC151-U or
> ShinyThing 223-U or FooledYou HaHaHa because it’s not the same card. The
> windows driver is aware of the variants and does the right thing for your
> revision.
> At this point you’d have to find someone prepared to update the driver to
> support your variant which would require them having the card or you
> describing the chips on it or sending a photo for them to figure it out
> followed by installing and testing driver updates. I’m not trying to put
> you down but you were having trouble knowing when to use ls and when to use
> cat and doing kernel patches and giving useful debugging feedback is a
> whole other level of expertise.
> On the other hand it’s maybe $50 for a usb based ATSC tuner and there was
> a guy on here earlier who has spares of a supported tuner so I’d say either
> of those it the right path.
> - George
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> Thanks George, you're right, I might just have to go with that old card,
and then we can talk about how to get the right recording from this or that
card with different sources.

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