[mythtv-users] Incorrect characters in the EPG and program name

Karl Dietz dekarl at spaetfruehstuecken.org
Mon Jan 14 08:27:56 UTC 2013

Hi Steve,

replying to myself with an example of what we need to fix the guide
until the broadcaster fixes their SI generator. (While creating the
example I noticed that the broadcaster has fixed their guide, so there
is still hope :)

SECT-Packet: 00000032   PID: 18 (0x0012), Length: 475 (0x01db)
Time received: Mon 2013-01-14  09:15:31.707
   0000:  4e f1 d8 40 2a dd 00 01  22 03 21 14 01 4e d1 75
   0010:  db f2 07 55 00 00 50 00  81 bd 4d 2f 44 45 55 15
   0020:  05 44 65 72 20 6d 61 73  6b 69 65 72 74 65 20 52
          .Der maskierte R

Notice the 05 that starts the last line, this is the first byte of
the string and signals Latin Alphabet 5 aka ISO 8859-9.

   0030:  e4 75 62 65 72 15 05 44  65 72 20 6d 61 73 6b 69
          .uber..Der maski
   0040:  65 72 74 65 20 52 e4 75  62 65 72 4e fe 01 44 45
          erte R.uberN..DE

Before the encoding was signaled I had to guess from e4 between 'R' and
'uber' that this must be an a-umlaut as thats how you spell Räuber.
Looking up the various candidate encodings that map a-umlaut to e4 I
could narrow the encoding down. By looking up more characters (and using
other hints, like the encoding of other channels on the same multiplex)
I could narrow it down to only one remaining candidate and added a fixup
for that channel.

Guess table from table id...
Table_ID: 78 (0x4e)  [= Event Information Table (EIT) - actual 
Service_ID: xxxxx (0xxxxx)  [=  --> refers to PMT program_number]
Transport_stream_ID: 8707 (0x2203)
Original_network_ID: 8468 (0x2114)  [= German Digital Terrestrial

These three values are used to identify the service. With a DVB-C
provider that inserts its own guide its possible that keying off just
the Original_network_ID is enough.

     ISO639_2_language_code:  DEU
   event_name_length: 21 (0x15)
   event_name: "Der maskierte R?uber" -- Charset: Latin alphabet no. 5
   text_length: 21 (0x15)
   text_char: "Der maskierte R?uber"  -- Charset: Latin alphabet no. 5

Here it was saying just "Latin alphabet" before they fixed it.


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