[mythtv-users] Jamu not working with 0.23

Doug Vaughan r.d.vaughan at rogers.com
Sat Apr 10 12:44:41 UTC 2010

Your attempt "jamu.py with the -MIV > /tmp/jamu.log" did not hang as the 
"I" option means you are in interactive mode. Jamu was likely waiting 
for your input when it looked like it was hung. A better test would have 
been "jamu.py with the -MWV > /tmp/jamu.log". To be clear on how jamu 
works you need to follow the steps on the Jamu wiki.

The ttvdb.py and tmdb.py tests I suggested were just to verify that the 
python bindings were accessible. They do not download any images. Go 
into MythVideo and once focus is on a video hit "w" and either images 
should appear or a selection for the specific show/movie will pop-up.


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