[mythtv-users] Can Myth auto-name MPG recordings with show names?

Tom Lichti tom at redpepperracing.com
Sat Sep 30 16:20:27 UTC 2006

Gert van der Knokke wrote:
> Matt Emmott schreef:
>> I'm running MythTV 0.20 with a PVR-150 card. All my recordings are put
>> in the /video directory, which right now is full of .mpg files with
>> filenames like 1004_20060923153001.mpg, etc. I can connect to the box
>> over CIFS from my Windows box and view the mpg files as videos. My
>> question is - Is there a way to make Myth rename these files so they
>> are more descriptive, like with the show title in the filename or
>> something?
>> I understand that this is the way Myth organizes all the files on the
>> backend, so it would make sense if they can't be renamed. So
>> alternately, is it possible for myth to create copies of the files
>> with a different filename? Say via nuvexport or mytharchive or
>> something? I hope this isn't too much of a noobish question, I just
>> haven't found a straightforward answer to the subject yet. Thanks.
> For a friend of mine (who uses MCE...) I created on the Myth backend a
> set of symbolic links with the names of the recordings instead of the
> cryptic .nuv names. Cron updates these links hourly and samba makes
> these symbolic links available on our (shared) network.
> The script is very simple and consists of two scripts actually
> (namethatnuv in /usrl/local/bin and makerecordedlinks in /etc/cron.hourly/):
> makerecordedlinks:
> ------------------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> # remove links without a file
> symlinks -d /myth/exports/recordings
> for i in /mnt/video_space/recordings/*.nuv
> do
>         name=`/usr/local/bin/namethatnuv $i`
>         if [ ! -f /myth/exports/recordings/$name.mpg ]
>         then
>                 ln -s $i /myth/exports/recordings/$name.mpg
>         fi
> done
> --------------------------
> This assumes your recordings are made in the folder
> /mnt/video_space/recordings
> and the samba exported folder is /myth/exports/recordings
> Below the script 'namethatnuv' called by the above script (in
> /usr/local/bin original written by Martin Moeller):
> ----------------
> #!/bin/sh
> # (C)2003 Martin Moeller. GPL Licensed.
> #
> MUSER=mythtv
> MPASS=mythtv
> CHARCONV="UTF8..ISO-8859-1" # You may want to adjust this for your location.
> LIST=0
> NUM=0
> while [ "$1" != "" ] ; do
>   LOOKUP=$(basename $1)
>   CHANID=$(echo $LOOKUP | cut -d\_ -f1)
>   STARTTIME=$(echo $LOOKUP | cut -d\_ -f2)
>   ENDTIME=$(echo $LOOKUP | cut -d\_ -f3 | cut -d\. -f1)
>   TITLE=$(mysql -u${MUSER} -p${MPASS} mythconverg -B -e "select title
> from recorded where chanid=$CHANID and starttime=$STARTTIME and
> endtime=$ENDTIME;" | tail -1)
>   SUBTITLE=$(mysql -u${MUSER} -p${MPASS} mythconverg -B -e "select
> subtitle from recorded where chanid=$CHANID and starttime=$STARTTIME and
> endtime=$ENDTIME;" | tail -1)
>   if [ "$TITLE" = "" ] ; then
>     help
>   fi
>         RECYEAR=${STARTTIME:0:4}
>         RECMONTH=${STARTTIME:4:2}
>         RECDAY=${STARTTIME:6:2}
>         RECTIME=${STARTTIME:8:4}
>         echo ${NAME} | recode $CHARCONV | sed 's/[ :()\|]/_/g'
>   shift 1
> done
> ------------------------------------------------
> Maybe it is useful to you as well..
> Gert
Or you could use the already included script mythrename.pl, in the 
contrib folder.


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