[mythtv-users] Cannot access recorded video from remote front end

Chris Pinkham cpinkham at bc2va.org
Mon Oct 9 04:15:31 UTC 2006

* On Sun Oct 08, 2006 at 09:46:45PM -0600, kim gross wrote:
> >OK, next question.  Have you recently changed or swapped hostnames on
> >your boxes?

> Host names are set to be unique for each machine.  The backend was the 
> default locahost.locahost, but I changed it to mythtv.jensalt.com, but I 
> believe I did that after the problem started hopeing that it would help 
> the problem.  If the host name was changed what would I need to do to 
> fix the problem?

If you have only one backend, then you can run the following SQL command
substituting in the proper hostname of your backend:

update recorded set hostname = 'YOURBACKENDHOSTNAME';

Make sure your frontend can use this hostname to see the backend as well.

> I am confused though, why would the preview window find the file without 
> any problems while the main player could not?

The preview window used the old way of finding the recording file, it did
not use the newer method so it currently always streams the file from
the master backend instead of reading it locally if it is available.


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