[mythtv-users] Converting MythWEB WAP theme to chtml

David Bennett davidbennett1979 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 06:26:31 UTC 2005

Sorry I should rephrase what I wrote:

I believe that when people mention WAP, they usually mean both WML and
the WAP protocol (or if not WML then some kind of HTML that is not
HTML compatible. It uses different tags for accepting inputs etc.)

Basically what I am looking for is an HTML theme that displays the
same information that the WAP (whatever is in the WAP directory) with
the same dimensions. It looks perfect on Firefox which is able to read
the WAP page.

Ideally I would just copy the HTML page and readjust it for the phone
browser, but since the WAP theme (ie. the wap theme directory) looks
like it would fit nicely on my mobile screen, I would like to make the
code HTML compatible & sent over IP (ie. not WAP).

Does this make any sense? Any ideas?
Is there perhaps a quick way to pear down the HTML theme to something
similar to whats in the WAP theme, or is this not so easy?

Thank you,

On 10/12/05, Ciaran <ciaranj at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/10/05, David Bennett <davidbennett1979 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am trying to convert the Mythweb Mobile WAP theme so that it is
> > usable on mobile devices that do not support WAP (chtml) (ie. I-Mode)
> I'm not quite sure where this confusion comes from, but WAP is a
> transmission protocol rather than a display meta-language, but the
> code seems to have this apparent confusion too :(
> >
> > Essentially I need the same format (table layout, sizes, menus) as the
> > WAP version, without all the WAP code. I am trying to get things off
> > the ground, but I can't find where MythWEB identifies itself as a WAP
> > page.
> MythWeb appears to support two mobile styles, the first one is 'WML'
> and the second is 'HTML'.  Both can be sent over WAP or over IP
> (GPRS).  It is dependant on the formats the mobile device can support.
> >
> > Is there a .WML file that is being sent? How does the WAP theme
> > identify itself as a WAP theme?
> The mobile device sends HTTP-ACCEPT + User-Agent headers up to the
> mythweb application.  Mythweb interprets these two headers and decides
> a) Is this a mobile device and b) What type of content should we send
> down.
> i.e. If the User-Agent = Nokia something-or-other it says, okey we
> have a mobile device, and if there is a HTTP-ACCEPT header of
> text/html, it will send down the Mobile HTML theme otherwise it will
> send down the WML theme.... i've submitted a patch to SVN/Trac that
> fixes the case where the mobile device submits a HTTP-ACCEPT of */* so
> doesn't get sent the html, when it should.
> >
> > Am I making any sense?
> Does this help at all ? [disclaimer: this understanding has come from
> taking apart the code in SVN, I may be wrong, I didn't write it :) ]

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