[mythtv-theming] Font face naming differences on different platforms (was Re: What fonts are guaranteed to be on a Linux box?)

Yeechang Lee ylee at pobox.com
Fri Aug 23 13:56:30 UTC 2013

Michael T. Dean <mtdean at thirdcontact.com> says:
> In file '<filename>', found font(s) <face name>'
> or
> Unable to register font(s) in file '<filename>'
> Do you get different face names or errors or anything?

Sadly, no. From the OS X version:

2013-08-23 06:38:10.568865 D  MythFontManager: In file
fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf', found font(s) 'Droid Sans Mono'
2013-08-23 06:38:10.807192 D  MythFontManager: In file
fonts/FreeMono.ttf', found font(s) 'FreeMono'

>From the Linux version:

2013-08-23 06:52:33.266634 D [30962/30962] CoreContext
mythfontmanager.cpp:191 (LoadFontFile) - MythFontManager: In file
'/usr/share/mythtv/fonts/FreeMono.ttf', found font(s) 'FreeMono'
2013-08-23 06:52:33.217444 D [30962/30962] CoreContext
mythfontmanager.cpp:191 (LoadFontFile) - MythFontManager: In file
'/usr/share/mythtv/fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf', found font(s) 'Droid Sans

Yeechang Lee <ylee at pobox.com> | San Francisco

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