[mythtv] Re: Ticket #741: Patch for naming videosources...

Pascal Favre Pascal.Favre at gmx.net
Sun Dec 4 22:28:22 UTC 2005

> This isn't going to work. Currently the dispaly shows cardid:inputname .
> The ticket refers to "videosources" tho that's not what's in in the patch.
> {{{
> mysql> select cardinputid, cardid, inputname, videosource.name from
> cardinput join videosource on cardinput.sourceid = videosource.sourceid
> where cardid=2 or cardid=3 order by cardid;
> +-------------+--------+------------+--------------+
> | cardinputid | cardid | inputname  | name         |
> +-------------+--------+------------+--------------+
> |           2 |      2 | Television | CoxCableDD   |
> |           7 |      2 | Composite1 | VCR          |
> |           5 |      3 | S-Video 0  | CoxDigitalDD |
> |           6 |      3 | Tuner 0    | CoxCableDD   |
> +-------------+--------+------------+--------------+
> 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> }}}
> A capturecard.displayname wouldn't distinguish card 2s "Television" or
> "Composite1" input nor 3s "S-Video 0" or "Tuner 0" and none of it defines
> if the source is "CoxCableDD", "CoxDigitalDD" or "VCR".
> I could see using ca name for the card in place of the number but it still
> has to say which input on the card. I could see using the videosource.name
> in place of the inputname but there have to be two pieces of information
> on the display; one to which card is active and one to say which set of
> channels to expect.
> Or, at the very least, put displayname in the card input table so the user
> could name individual inputs.

I like to have the possibility to set an individual inputname.
I like to address a change-request, to add the cardid (or cardinputid) to the recordings. I have a PVR350 and a PVR500.  This would 
help debugging cardproblems.


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