[mythtv] sql code

Andy Davidoff dert at pobox.com
Thu Feb 20 15:33:07 EST 2003

Here's a patch that can't read prior playlists and which includes
a SQL script in UPGRADING style.  I ran it through the indent.pro
I posted.

#if Andy Davidoff /* Feb 20, 15:13 */
> So, I should have just said "to hell with your playlists" and
> wiped the playlist tables with a SQL script?
#endif /* dert at pobox.com */
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur mythmusic/musicdb/playlists.sql mymythmusic/musicdb/playlists.sql
--- mythmusic/musicdb/playlists.sql	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ mymythmusic/musicdb/playlists.sql	2003-02-20 15:28:37.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+USE mythconverg;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musicplaylist;
+CREATE TABLE musicplaylist (
+  playlistid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+  playorder smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+  intid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY intid (intid,playlistid),
+  UNIQUE KEY playlistid (playlistid,playorder)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musicplaylisthead;
+CREATE TABLE musicplaylisthead (
+  playlistid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  title char(64) NOT NULL default '',
+  description char(255) NOT NULL default '',
+  PRIMARY KEY  (playlistid)
+INSERT INTO musicplaylisthead values (1, 'Default', 'A playlist shared by all front-ends.');
diff -Naur mythmusic/mythmusic/metadata.cpp mymythmusic/mythmusic/metadata.cpp
--- mythmusic/mythmusic/metadata.cpp	2003-02-09 11:33:48.000000000 -0500
+++ mymythmusic/mythmusic/metadata.cpp	2003-02-20 01:47:59.000000000 -0500
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
         title = data;
     else if (field == "genre")
         genre = data;
+    else if (field == "filename")
+        filename = data;
     else if (field == "year")
         year = data.toInt();
     else if (field == "tracknum")
diff -Naur mythmusic/mythmusic/playlist.cpp mymythmusic/mythmusic/playlist.cpp
--- mythmusic/mythmusic/playlist.cpp	2002-10-09 02:10:04.000000000 -0400
+++ mymythmusic/mythmusic/playlist.cpp	2003-02-20 15:20:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -2,68 +2,87 @@
 void LoadDefaultPlaylist(QSqlDatabase *db, QValueList<Metadata> &playlist)
-    QString thequery = "SELECT songlist FROM musicplaylist WHERE "
-                       "name = \"default_playlist_storage\";";
+	QSqlQuery query;
-    QSqlQuery query = db->exec(thequery);
-    if (query.isActive() && query.numRowsAffected() > 0)
-    {
-        query.next();
-        QString songlist = query.value(0).toString();
-        QStringList list = QStringList::split(",", songlist);
-        QStringList::iterator it = list.begin();
-        for (; it != list.end(); it++)
-        {
-            unsigned int id = QString(*it).toUInt();
-            Metadata mdata;
-            mdata.setID(id);
-            mdata.fillDataFromID(db);
-            if (mdata.Filename() != "")
-                playlist.push_back(mdata);
-        }
-    }
+	// we fully qualify column names in joins so that new columns
+	// added later will not create any abiguity
+	// playlist ordering is supported by the schema, not the FE.
+	// we ignore (here) items in the playlist without filenames.
+	query = QSqlQuery("SELECT musicmetadata.intid,musicmetadata.artist,"
+			"musicmetadata.title,musicmetadata.album,musicmetadata.genre,"
+			"musicmetadata.year,musicmetadata.length,musicmetadata.tracknum,"
+			"musicmetadata.filename "
+		"FROM musicplaylisthead left join musicplaylist using (playlistid) "
+			"left join musicmetadata using (intid) "
+		"WHERE musicplaylisthead.title = \"Default\" "
+			"AND musicmetadata.filename != \"\" "
+		"ORDER BY musicplaylist.playorder;", db);
+	if (query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)
+	{
+		Metadata mdata;
+		while(query.next())
+		{
+			mdata.setID(				query.value(0).asUInt());
+			mdata.setField("artist",	query.value(1).asString());
+			mdata.setField("title",		query.value(2).asString());
+			mdata.setField("album",		query.value(3).asString());
+			mdata.setField("genre",		query.value(4).asString());
+			mdata.setField("year",		query.value(5).asString());
+			mdata.setField("length",	query.value(6).asString());
+			mdata.setField("tracknum",	query.value(7).asString());
+			mdata.setField("filename",	query.value(8).asString());
+			playlist.push_back(mdata);
+		}
+	}
 void SaveDefaultPlaylist(QSqlDatabase *db, QValueList<Metadata> &playlist)
-    QString playliststring;
-    QValueList<Metadata>::iterator it = playlist.begin();
+	QSqlQuery query;
-    bool first = true;
-    for (; it != playlist.end(); it++)
-    {
-        unsigned int id = (*it).ID();
-        if (!first)
-            playliststring += ",";
-        playliststring += QString("%1").arg(id);
-        first = false;
-    }
-    QString thequery = "SELECT NULL FROM musicplaylist WHERE name = "
-                       "\"default_playlist_storage\";";
-    QSqlQuery query = db->exec(thequery);
-    if (query.isActive() && query.numRowsAffected() > 0)
-    {
-        thequery = QString("UPDATE musicplaylist SET songlist = \"%1\" WHERE "
-                           "name = \"default_playlist_storage\";")
-                           .arg(playliststring);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        thequery = QString("INSERT musicplaylist (name,songlist) "
-                           "VALUES(\"default_playlist_storage\",\"%1\");")
-                           .arg(playliststring);
-    }
-    query = db->exec(thequery);
+	// no caching, so we have to write out the entire playlist
+	// each time we save it.  since there's only one, we know
+	// its playlistid will be '1'.
+	query = QSqlQuery("DELETE from musicplaylist "
+			"WHERE playlistid = 1;", db);
+	if (!query.isActive())
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	QValueList<Metadata>::iterator it = playlist.begin();
+	bool first = true;
+	QString values = "";
+	for (unsigned int i=0; it != playlist.end(); it++, i++)
+	{
+		if (!first)
+			values += ", ";
+		values += "(" + QString::number(1) + ", ";		// playlistid
+		values += QString::number(i+1) + ", ";			// playorder
+		values += QString::number((*it).ID()) + ")";	// intid (track)
+		first = false;
+		// we "flush" a bulk-insert out to the database every 1000
+		// elements.  the only limitation on this figure is the
+		// mysql packet size and the load spikes on the database.
+		if (!(i+1 % 1000))
+		{
+			query = QSqlQuery("INSERT musicplaylist (playlistid, "
+					"playorder, intid) values " + values + ";", db);
+			if (!query.isActive())
+			{
+				return;
+			}
+			values = "";
+			first = true;
+		}
+	}
+	// flush any remaining inserts; this gets executed any
+	// time the number of items in the playlist isn't a multiple
+	// of the constant above.
+	if(!first)
+	{
+		query = QSqlQuery("INSERT musicplaylist (playlistid, "
+				"playorder, intid) values " + values + ";", db);
+	}

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