[mythtv-users] artwork

Roland Ernst rcrernst at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 14:01:47 UTC 2024

On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 10:12 AM james <jam at tigger.ws> wrote:

> One fine day a few days ago *BING* all my artwork went gone (sic)
> so some sql spelunking
> recordedartwork seems to be normal
> inetref in videometadata is 00000 in a few places it ought not to be,
> but for most part it looks correct
>    select intid, title, inetref from videometadata;
> Now to complicte things I'm in midst of migrating backend so my last
> daily backup is 18/03. I did s test restore of that and art is correct
> but one or two recording since then are 'keepable'.
> It's not a biggie to manage those few, but any ideas of what may have
> happened. Are there any suble links that I may have missed.
> James

Please post the output of this mysql query:
SELECT host, COUNT(*) from recordedartwork GROUP BY host;
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