[mythtv-users] find_orphans.py script doesn't delete anything

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Mon Mar 11 22:56:59 UTC 2024

On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 02:30:32 +1300, you wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 20:29:25 +1100, you wrote:
>>> MythTV version are you running?
>>> There are pre and post v31 versions of that script.  Are you running the
>>> right one?
>>> I'm no programmer but I'd be having a look at the script and maybe adding
>>> a print statement or two.
>>I'm running v31.
>>Can I just delete the recordings from the database easily?
>If you are going to be deleting all recordings in the database, then
>you can just add them all to a playlist and then delete the entire
>playlist.  But I am not sure if playlist deleting works when the
>recording file is missing, as I have never done that.

I just had a hunt around on my development box and found the program I
wrote for someone last year that had a similar problem.  Unlike
find-orphans.py, it uses the Services API to do the deletes, so it may
possibly work better for you.  But it was only tested on v32, so I do
not know if it will work on v31.  It can be downloaded from here:


Note that the "drc" command is not working, but you probably only want
the "d" command anyway.

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