[mythtv-users] Network issues (slightly OT)

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed Mar 6 23:29:02 UTC 2024

On Wed, 6 Mar 2024 12:57:40 -0500, you wrote:

>The subnet range used is 192.168.1.xxx. The router definitely sees the
>workstation and uses my assigned IP address. I have set the netmask to
>, but when I review the entries, it goes to "24". Possibly
>need to change it in /etc/network/interfaces.

/24 means 24 bits of mask, which is just another way of saying (3 x 8 bits of mask 255 = 0xFF, so 24 bits of mask in

Are you using a separate Ethernet switch, or just a switch built into
your router?  Is your router set to use its builtin switch as a
switch, or is it using the ports as separate routeable subnet ports?
That is a feature available in good routers.  What is the router?

In general, when traffic is going between addresses on the same subnet
( in your case), it should not be being processed by the
router, but just handled by the Ethernet switch hardware, a separate
part of the router box.  A switch does not do any firewalling - it
only drops packets when the destination address can not be found on
any of the switch ports.  Only if a packet has an address outside the
range of the subnet addresses should it be passed on to the router
section of your router box and processed by the firewall(s) and then
mapped against the routing table to see where to send it.

Also note that ping packets will only get a response from devices that
have ping responses enabled.  Quite a lot of devices have ping
responses disabled by default.  If the pings were working with your
old router, then they still should with the new router, but you may
simply have not ever needed to try pings with the old router as the
networking was working.

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