[mythtv-users] Adding second HDHomerun (with different channels)

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Fri Mar 1 10:47:35 UTC 2024

On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 09:43:25 +0000, you wrote:

>On 01/03/2024 09:30, Mike Perkins wrote:
>> On 01/03/2024 08:03, Ian Evans wrote:
>>> V34
>>> Currently have an HDHomerun (let's call it Extend) with a video source
>>> called SD and an xmltv file called SD.xmltv.
>>> Extend is able to receive some but not all of the channels in the area.
>>> I just connected a second HDHomerun (let's call it Connect). It"s antenna
>>> is aimed in a different direction. It's able to pick up the channels Extend
>>> can't as well as a couple of the ones it can.
>>> The SD.xmltv file contains all the locally available channels. But I can't
>>> use SD as the video source for Connect as I then can't go into Channel
>>> Editor and delete from Extend and Connect the channels each one can't
>>> receive.
>>> Can I simply create a Video Source called, say, SDTWO and simply copy
>>> SD.xmtltv to SDTWO.xmltv? I had a setup like this working in the past in
>>> the pre-xmltv Schedules Direct days, but just want to make sure that I'm
>>> doing it correctly with xmltv.
>>> I hope what I'm asking is somewhat clear. It's been a long day. :-)
>> Yes. In fact you must. The basic idea is that any video source is defined as a collection of
>> channels that can all be tuned in the same way using the same parameters. Since you have channels
>> that cannot be tuned by one source, you therefore need to set up another source and connect your
>> other tuner to that.
>> You should ensure that each tuner can only tune the channels they can physically receive. That way
>> the scheduler will only allocate a viable tuner to record from those channels.
>Ugh. Hit send too soon. Each source should only contain the channels it can tune, so your idea of
>just copying the .xmltv file won't work. You will need to copy it and edit out the channels in each
>source that cannot be tuned by that source.

I think I have heard that you can get Schedules Direct to create more
than one lineup and download separate files for each.  If so, create a
lineup for each source with the channels each can receive.

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