[mythtv-users] Mythfrontend fails if mythtv installed after user mythtv created

James Abernathy jfabernathy at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 11:18:46 UTC 2024

On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 6:43 AM James Abernathy <jfabernathy at gmail.com>

> On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 5:23 AM James Abernathy <jfabernathy at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I created my testing VM with the btrfs file system so I can restore it
>> just before I create the mythtv user and install the software so it's a
>> quick restore of a snapshot and reboot. I'll test some different methods to
>> see if one is better than the other.
>> Jim  A
> Results of the first few tests point out a new fix, at least on Ubuntu
> based systems using the ppa to install mythtv.
> Obviously a standard mythtv install via the ppa on Ubuntu without messing
> with user mythtv works as expected. However, a few key things to point out.
> The first time you run the Web App, the indicators for the database show,
> Connected to database but No mythconverg and unknown schema.  A quick click
> on save and click on restart backend fix this and you can move on.  The
> restart backend takes a little while as it's doing the schema update (if
> you check the log).
> After the setup is complete you can run mythfrontend and it will have the
> usual pop-up to ask if you want user 'jim' (in my case) added to the mythtv
> group. If you click yes it will instruct you to logout. However, that does
> not work.  You'll get the pop up again.  You have to reboot at least on
> Ubuntu based systems.
> Once you reboot mythfrontend works without error.
> If you do the same thing as above, but create the 'mythtv' user with a
> special uid/gid first before apt install mythtv, it will work as long as
> you don't add your own user to the mythtv group beforehand.  For example:
> sudo addgroup --gid 1006 mythtv
> sudo adduser --ingroup mythtv --home /home/mythtv --shell /bin/bash --uid
> 1006 mythtv
> works, but don't do the following afterwards:
> sudo usermod -aG mythtv jim
> This seems to cause the first run of mythfrontend to not do the logic it
> needs to set up config.xml correctly.
> So at least for Ubuntu based distros, I have a roadmap for installation
> using custom uid/gid.
> Jim A

I tested the above on a Debian 12 VM with mythtv DEBs that I built and the
results were the same with the small exception of the Web App coming up the
first time with mythconverg completely setup with the right schema.

Jim A
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