[mythtv-users] Mythfrontend fails if mythtv installed after user mythtv created

James Abernathy jfabernathy at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 10:43:17 UTC 2024

On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 5:23 AM James Abernathy <jfabernathy at gmail.com>

> I created my testing VM with the btrfs file system so I can restore it
> just before I create the mythtv user and install the software so it's a
> quick restore of a snapshot and reboot. I'll test some different methods to
> see if one is better than the other.
> Jim  A

Results of the first few tests point out a new fix, at least on Ubuntu
based systems using the ppa to install mythtv.

Obviously a standard mythtv install via the ppa on Ubuntu without messing
with user mythtv works as expected. However, a few key things to point out.
The first time you run the Web App, the indicators for the database show,
Connected to database but No mythconverg and unknown schema.  A quick click
on save and click on restart backend fix this and you can move on.  The
restart backend takes a little while as it's doing the schema update (if
you check the log).

After the setup is complete you can run mythfrontend and it will have the
usual pop-up to ask if you want user 'jim' (in my case) added to the mythtv
group. If you click yes it will instruct you to logout. However, that does
not work.  You'll get the pop up again.  You have to reboot at least on
Ubuntu based systems.

Once you reboot mythfrontend works without error.

If you do the same thing as above, but create the 'mythtv' user with a
special uid/gid first before apt install mythtv, it will work as long as
you don't add your own user to the mythtv group beforehand.  For example:

sudo addgroup --gid 1006 mythtv
sudo adduser --ingroup mythtv --home /home/mythtv --shell /bin/bash --uid
1006 mythtv

works, but don't do the following afterwards:

sudo usermod -aG mythtv jim

This seems to cause the first run of mythfrontend to not do the logic it
needs to set up config.xml correctly.

So at least for Ubuntu based distros, I have a roadmap for installation
using custom uid/gid.

Jim A
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