[mythtv-users] Mythmusic issues.

Piotr Oniszczuk piotr.oniszczuk at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 19:43:36 UTC 2024

> Wiadomość napisana przez Jan Hambrecht via mythtv-users <mythtv-users at mythtv.org> w dniu 04.01.2024, o godz. 12:19:
>> Many moons ago I started to add support for MusicBrainz to MythMusic but
>> never completed it.
>> There is already a python metadata helper script at
>> https://github.com/MythTV/mythtv/blob/master/mythtv/programs/scripts/metadat
>> a/Music/mbutils.py that can be used to lookup some of the data from MB
>> including IIRC looking up the discid.
>> The copy of the python MB bindings included with Myth are very old now
>> and could do with updating which should be trivial to do. I seem to
>> remember the problem with integrating the python script into MythMusic
>> is it's an external script so the plugin would have to run an external
>> process to do the lookup which I thought was rather messy. Somewhere I
>> think I have a patch that used the c++ bindings to MB to do the lookup
>> so everything could be done in the MythMusic plugin without having to
>> call external scripts. Without looking at the code I'm not sure how far
>> I got with it but if anyone is interested I could see if I can find the
>> stash.
>> Paul H.
> Hi,
> I've got a CD set as a christmas present and was motivated to look into the
> issue. I managed to put something working together using the musicbrainz
> C/C++ libs. The result can be seen in this PR: https://github.com/MythTV/
> mythtv/pull/834. It pulls metadata and coverart for an audio CD and displays
> that when playing the CD with the CD autoplay feature of MythMusic.
> Ciao Jan


This is fantastic work.

I added req. libs, recompile mythmusic and it works PERFECTLY!

Grat work :-)

btw: as we have now musicbrainz nicely integrated with mythmusic - can it be also used to improve lyrics handling in mythmusic?

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