[mythtv-users] Android Mythrontend on Firestck 4K

Ken Mandelberg km at mathcs.emory.edu
Thu Sep 28 13:12:53 UTC 2023

Thanks Peter! I had native password on my mythtv@% on the mysql server , 
but there was an older mythtv at 192.168.10.% that had caching_sha2 set for 
the Linux clients. I altered that and now the firestick can authenticate.

Peter Bennett wrote on 9/27/23 12:32:
> Try This:
> SELECT user,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
> Sample result from my system:
> 'mythtv', 'mysql_native_password', '192.168.0.%'
> 'debian-sys-maint', 'caching_sha2_password', 'localhost'
> 'mysql.infoschema', 'caching_sha2_password', 'localhost'
> 'mysql.session', 'caching_sha2_password', 'localhost'
> 'mysql.sys', 'caching_sha2_password', 'localhost'
> Your mythtv user id must have mysql_native_password.
> Use this in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf before you create your 
> user id:
> default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password
> You may be able to fix it this way if it has the wrong plugin:
> ALTER USER 'mythtv'@'192.168.0.%' IDENTIFIED WITH 
> mysql_native_password by 'mythtv';
> Alternatively create the user id this way:
> create user 'mythtv'@'192.168.0.%' identified with 
> mysql_native_password by 'mythtv';
> Peter
> On 9/27/23 11:43, Ken Mandelberg wrote:
>> Hi Peter
>> Waiting to hear from you.
>> Is
>> Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: dlopen failed: 
>> library 
>> "/home/peter/proj/github.com/MythTV/packaging-master/android/libsinstall/lib/mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so" 
>> not found
>> what I think it is, a dlopen that would only work in your build 
>> environment?
>> Is there anything I can do on my side, or would you have to rebuild 
>> the apk differently?
>> Ken
>>> Peter
>>> Your suggestion
>>> >adb logcat mfe:D *:S |& tee /tmp/android.log
>>> was a good idea! It yields:
>>> 09-25 17:07:41.285 18181 18242 E mfe     : QMYSQL: Unable to connect
>>> 09-25 17:07:41.285 18181 18242 E mfe     : Database error was:
>>> 09-25 17:07:41.285 18181 18242 E mfe     : Plugin 
>>> caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: dlopen failed: library 
>>> "/home/peter/proj/github.com/MythTV/packaging-master/android/libsinstall/lib/mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so" 
>>> not found
>>> 09-25 17:07:46.291 18181 18242 I mfe     : 
>>> mythcontext.cpp:1021:TestDBconnection  Start up failure. host 
>>>, status dbStartedFail
>>> Incidentally my wiresharks had the mysql server asking for 
>>> caching_sha2_password, and then the android response on the wire 
>>> that it was "missing".
>>> So I guess it all makes sense now, a packaging error that wouldn't 
>>> show on your device.
>>> Ken

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