[mythtv-users] reconfigure to single FE/BE with Json

Mike Perkins mikep at randomtraveller.org.uk
Tue Sep 26 15:11:14 UTC 2023

On 26/09/2023 13:43, Daryl McDonald wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 12:45 PM Stephen Worthington <
> stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Sep 2023 12:42:13 -0400, you wrote:
>>> On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 12:24?PM Stephen Worthington <
>>> stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 23 Sep 2023 11:17:45 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 11:04?AM Hika van den Hoven <hikavdh at gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hoi Daryl,
>>>>>> Saturday, September 23, 2023, 3:22:59 PM, you wrote:
>>>>>>> Experimentally, I tried using a RPi4 as a master BE with EIT
>>>>>>> program data, on 24/7 to get the best data possible. That didn't
>>>>>>> work so well so, as the subject indicates, I want my previous setup
>>>>>>> back. I renewed my SD subscription and started with the "XMLTV -
>>>>>>> MythTV Official" wiki. I did the xmltv install, but get nothing
>> when
>>>>>>> I run "mythtv-setup" as mythtv. If I turn the RPi off I can't
>>>>>>> connect to the database. Do I need to restore a database to the
>>>>>>> Lenovo in order to proceed with the wiki?
>>>>>>> TIA  Daryl
>>>>>> Am I right to assume your database is on the rpi?
>>>>> Yes, it is currently the Master BE
>>>>>> The database does not have to be on the machine running the
>>>>>> master backend, but it MUST be up and running to use mythtv.
>>>>>> So, if the db is on the rpi and you want to take the rpi out of
>>>>>> commission, you will have to move the database and change the
>> settings
>>>>>> on all back and frontends accordingly.
>>>>> The RPi is called "trieli" and the Lenovo is called "daryl".
>>>>> I've created a new database backup from the RPi (host name trieli) so
>> I'll
>>>>> need to change Lenove's hostname from daryl to trieli to be able to:
>> drop,
>>>>> create, and restore this new db?
>>>>> Or can I move the database from the master (RPi) to the slave (Lenovo)
>> and
>>>>> then configure the Lenovo to be  the master?
>>>>> TIA  Daryl
>>>> The mythconverg_restore.pl program has an option to change the
>>>> hostname in the database - use the --help option to see it.  So you
>>>> can restore a database on a machine with a different hostname, then
>>>> use that command to change the hostname in the database to match the
>>>> machine's hostname.
>>> So, to make sure I understand this. restoring the RPi's database backup
>>> onto the Lenovo, WILL restore and leave me with a mis-match of hostnames:
>>> database to machine (Lenovo) which can be corrected / matched by using the
>>> command in the mythconverg_restore.pl --help. Then off to the XMLTV wiki?
>>> Thanks again!   Daryl
>> Yes.
> With both backends running the db drop, create, and restore went ahead
> fine, then when the RPi is shutdown the Lenovo can't connect to the
> database. With only the Lenovo running the restore (etal) fails because it
> can"t connect to the database. Is there a way to move the database from the
> RPi to the Lenovo? The wiki at  "
> https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Backend_migration" seems not to apply because
> this would be retiring a master and promoting a slave to master,rather than
> bringing a database from an unrelated system.
> Maybe just this bit below? : (storage directories are setup on both boxes
> and recordings are prioritized to occur on the Lenovo)
>   mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "UPDATE recorded SET hostname =
> 'new_daryl' WHERE hostname = 'old_trieli';"
The only way the Lenovo backend restore could be failing to find the database is if the database 
credentials still point to the RPi (or are wrong, eg have a typo).

The restore script uses a config file called backuprc which should be either in ~/.mythtv or 

Have a look at those and make sure that they point to the Lenovo and give the correct password.

It occurs to me that, if the hostname is wrong, you could still be restoring to the RPi! Once you 
have backed up the RPi database, turn off the RPI and leave it off. Having two masters on the same 
network can only lead to conflict.


Mike Perkins

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