[mythtv-users] Web interface scalability issue: Video Gallery

Peter Bennett pb.mythtv at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 12:02:05 UTC 2023

On 9/6/23 17:01, Paul Harrison wrote:
> You should also be able to use your browsers debug tools to see how 
> long each network operation takes as well.
> Big disclosure I haven't been able to test the latest WebApp but when 
> Stuart and I started the initial development the WebApp was very fast 
> but as we added more stuff it started to slow down dramatically for me 
> but not for Stuart! I was seeing regular delays of 10 to 15 seconds to 
> update the screen. We never figured out why I was seeing it and not 
> Stuart or what the cause was. Angular does shift most processing to 
> the client end ie the machine running the browser rather than what is 
> more traditional with stuff like php where most of the processing is 
> done at the server end. At the time I was using a 16 core Ryzen 7 so 
> it can't be lack of processing power on the client end. I was running 
> the BE in a ESXI virtual machine which may have contributed to the 
> slow down since the WebApp does sent many requests to the backends 
> services API but I never found any evidence to support that idea.
> If Jan is seeing many of the screens showing very slow update times 
> then she may be seeing the same thing I was. If it's just one screen 
> then it's likely something else. One thing you need to know with 
> Angular is that it is basically one giant web page that has the entire 
> WebApp on it. Angular just hides and shows stuff based on what the 
> user clicks on once the page is loaded. It does mean that the initial 
> loading is always slow since the browser has to pull the several 
> hundred megabyte? of data for the entire WebApp before it shows the 
> page you want. At least that is the way I believe it works.
While developing the code I have found in some cases unacceptably long 
responses, in particular with upcoming shows and recorded list. In both 
cases I fixed it by switching to a virtual list with lazy load. That was 
an immediate huge improvement. I have the code ready to switch videos to 
a virtual list with lazy load. I want to make sure that the problem the 
user is experiencing is on the angular side, not the server side. Lazy 
load will not help if the server is taking a long time to produce the list.

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