[mythtv-users] New web app for setup and replacement for mythweb

James jam at tigger.ws
Tue May 30 23:47:42 UTC 2023

> On 31 May 2023, at 7:06 am, James Abernathy <jfabernathy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 11:55 AM James Abernathy <jfabernathy at gmail.com <mailto:jfabernathy at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 11:11 AM Peter Bennett <pb.mythtv at gmail.com <mailto:pb.mythtv at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 5/30/23 09:59, James Abernathy wrote:
>> On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 9:10 AM Peter Bennett <pb.mythtv at gmail.com <mailto:pb.mythtv at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> New web app for setup and replacement for mythweb
>> There is a new web application in the master branch. Running on 
>> http://backend:6744 <http://backend:6744/>, it supports everything in mythtv-setup. It will 
>> replace mythtv-setup and allow you to do the complete setup through a 
>> browser. mythbackend can start up without a database and you can then 
>> set up the database and the rest of MythTV through the browser.
>> Also included are pages to replace mythweb. Currently these include 
>> Backend Status, Channel Editor, Program Guide, Recordings, and Upcoming. 
>> The program guide supports scheduling of recordings, and programs that 
>> are scheduled are highlighted in the guide. Recordings can be filtered 
>> and sorted, and various update options are provided.
>> I will be adding pages for recording rules and videos, and updating the 
>> recordings and upcoming pages to allow rescheduling from those pages.
>> I would appreciate it if people can test this and report back any 
>> issues. I have added support for all capture card types but I cannot 
>> test most of them as I do not have the hardware or the appropriate TV 
>> signals. Also the satellite settings that are available with DVB cards 
>> are extensive and I cannot verify that they are working correctly.
>> If you find any problems or have questions please report them with a 
>> comment to this issue
>> https://github.com/MythTV/mythtv/issues/239 <https://github.com/MythTV/mythtv/issues/239>
>> or email me.
>> The system caters for language translation. Translations have not been 
>> done yet.
>> Peter
>> This sounds like a great app.  I will be testing and reporting for ATSC 1.0 tuners, HDHR and Hauppauge WinTVHD Quad where I can. 
>> So to start on the right path.  If I build from source and install mariadb. Do I create the systemd service for mythtv-backend and enable/start it and then go to the webapp??
>> Jim A
> That should work. If you do not have a .mythtv directory and a config.xml, the backend will start without the database and let you enter the db credentials. It will then instruct you to restart with the restart button included on the page. After that you will be able to continue with the rest of setup.
> You can also try it out with an existing installation if you have the latest master build. Go to the cogwheel icon and you can change settings, add tuners, etc., etc.
> When you start mythbackend without a database or without IP address settings, the webapp will go directly to the setup pages. Once basic setup is done it will go to the default main page and you can access setup via the cogwheel.
> Let me know of any questions or problems.
> Peter
> So here's what I found.  I could not get the mythtv-backend.serivce to run without an error, but I could open a terminal and just run mythbackend.  Then point a browser to the ip:6744  and that started at setup.  
> I also could not use the mysql script for creating the user that is in the webapp.  So I had to use the one from the Build from Source wiki page:
> mysql -u root -p
> create database mythconverg;
> create user 'mythtv'@'%' identified by 'mythtv';
> create user 'mythtv'@'localhost' identified by 'mythtv';
> set password for 'mythtv'@'%' = password('mythtv');
> set password for 'mythtv'@'localhost' = password('mythtv');
> connect mythconverg;
> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mythtv'@'%' with grant option;
> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mythtv'@'localhost' with grant option;
> flush privileges;
> exit;
> Still working through start up issues.
> More later
> Jim A
> Could it be that the mysql script in the webapp that is supposed to set up the mythconverg database be for Mysql and not MariaDB?

Peter sounds very nice, but despite John's help and hard work I have been unable to build mythfrontend master for mac high sierra.
My main watching machine is un-upgradeable so I'm for ever stuck on 32.
Opinion: back porting to 32 possible for me to do?

(I usually build (no I always) from src. A recent upgrade to SuSE tumbleweed broke mythweb and the alternatives are barely usable.

 SuSE make installing an old tumbleweed impossible: say install 20220904, install the dev tools bing-bong and you are cutrrent.
The last Leap (15.4) had so much btoken that (foolishly) I went to tumbleweed. Ubuntu is much more flexable in this regard (keeping and using a specific kernel) but IMHO are much more horrid eg dmesg eg unattended upgrades eg anal obsession with nano spurning vi etc etc

One Liner: with reasonable level of skill can I back port to 32


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