[mythtv-users] Mythmusic issues.

Paul Harrison mythtv at mythqml.net
Tue Dec 12 13:38:59 UTC 2023

On 12/12/2023 05:49, David Hampton via mythtv-users wrote:

> On Tue, 2023-12-12 at 04:36 +0000, Timothy Witham wrote:
>> On Monday, December 11, 2023 at 03:46:26 PM CST, A. F. Cano
>> <afc54 at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> Thanks for replying.  As of now, I did fix all the issues discussed
>>> above.  I will try importing with vlc in the future and see how
>>> that
>>> goes.
>> Thanks for the database examples.  I'm not sure which ripper to
>> recommend on Linux.  I like puddletag for cleaning tags because you
>> can see everything in a huge sortable table to easily spot mistakes.
> I mainly use 'sound-juicer' to rip cds.  I occasionally use other
> programs like 'k3b' and 'grip'.
> I love 'picard' for organizing files and retrieving metadata.  It takes
> a minute or two to get is set up the way you want, but then its great.
> It uses the MusicBrainz database, which is crowd sourced.
> David

Many moons ago I started to add support for MusicBrainz to MythMusic but 
never completed it.

There is already a python metadata helper script at 
that can be used to lookup some of the data from MB including IIRC 
looking up the discid.

The copy of the python MB bindings included with Myth are very old now 
and could do with updating which should be trivial to do. I seem to 
remember the problem with integrating the python script into MythMusic 
is it's an external script so the plugin would have to run an external 
process to do the lookup which I thought was rather messy. Somewhere I 
think I have a patch that used the c++ bindings to MB to do the lookup 
so everything could be done in the MythMusic plugin without having to 
call external scripts. Without looking at the code I'm not sure how far 
I got with it but if anyone is interested I could see if I can find the 

Paul H.

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