[mythtv-users] Moving my MythDB

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed May 11 05:18:51 UTC 2022

On Tue, 10 May 2022 23:01:04 -0600, you wrote:

>On Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:18:16 P.M. MDT Stephen Worthington wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 May 2022 21:04:27 -0600, you wrote:
>> >Does anyone store their Myth DB somewhere other than where Myth puts it?
>> >
>> >How would I do that?
>> The location of the mythconverg database is determined by MySQL or
>> MariaDB, not MythTV.  As far as I know, neither has an option to store
>> the databases anywhere other than one location - if you want to move
>> the files somewhere else, you have to move the entire set of
>> databases, not just the mythconverg database.  The location for Ubuntu
>> is /var/lib/mysql.  This location is set by the "datadir" option in
>> the config files under /etc/mysql, and there are various pages on the
>> web that can tell you how to move the entire directory.  You may need
>> to also change apparmor settings if you move it.
>> It is possible to store the database on a completely different machine
>> - MythTV is happy to use a remote database server.
>> So why do you want to move the database?
>I'm doing some "infrastructure" janitorial work on all my machines and noticed 
>that my "pretty-important" database is buried in /var/lib/mysql and that's 
>bugging the program/data separation that I usually go for. I haven't cared for 
>15+ years, but now that I do, I do. :)

It is not really a problem as you can not just put the database
somewhere under /home and automatically back it up along with all the
normal data there.  The databases need to be backed up properly - just
making a copy of the files does not work.

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