[mythtv-users] Remote recorder advice

Andrew Wilkinson andrewjwilkinson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 09:14:40 UTC 2020


Thanks for the software suggestions. I'll look into them in more detail.
Not being able to scan for channels does sound like a pain. I'm in the UK,
with both Freeview and Freesat tuners. Freeview would probably be ok as it
has far fewer channels and doesn't change as often, but things changed
pretty frequently on Freesat.

Wake on lan works extremely reliably for me. It wakes the backend every
time when the frontend boots. My question was more about whether MythTV
could use WOL to wake up a remote tuner, or if it expected them to always
be running.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 6:57 AM Stephen Worthington <
stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Mar 2020 22:02:04 +0000, you wrote:
> >My second thought is to set up some form of IPTV streaming for my PCI
> cards and use a network capture card for my recording. Is there support for
> using wake-on-lan to wake up network capture cards? Has anyone got any
> recommendations for what software to use to stream DVB-T and DVB-S over my
> local network?
> It is possible to use minisatip or TVHeadend to turn tuners into IPTV
> tuners, but unfortunately MythTV is unable to scan IPTV tuners for
> channels.  So you have to have some way of creating and maintaining
> the IPTV channel list.  I do this for my DVB-S tuners using minisatip
> and SAT>IP protocol, but not having channel scanning is a serious
> problem.  I manually adjust channels in the database when things
> change.
> I have never used wake-on-lan in real life, but it does work if you
> set it up right.  It can be fiddly to set up, and some LAN cards are
> better than others.  How reliable it is I do not know.
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