[mythtv-users] BE3 - Issues with installation and database

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Tue May 21 08:29:20 UTC 2019

On Mon, 20 May 2019 15:24:02 -0500, you wrote:

>On 5/20/19 11:15 AM, Barry Martin wrote:
>> Looks like I got a little wordy by 10K.  If my post to Stephen Worthington doesn't get approved it's here:
>> https://pastebin.com/XrFhVHzG
>MariaDB [(none)]> show grants;
>The [(none)] above is because you haven't selected a database on
>the command line. Not a problem.

Yes, you need to select a database for a database name to show up in
the prompt as the current database.  To do that, you can add the
database name at the end of the "mysql" command:

mysql mythconverg

or use the -D option:

mysql -D mythconverg

Or at the MariaDB prompt, do this:

use mythconverg;

But before the mythconverg database existed, those commands would not
work, so I did not put selecting a database into the commands I gave

So, from what I can see in the pastebin log, the mythconverg database
should have been created and populated.  To check that, you can try
these commands:

sudo mysql
show databases;
use mythconverg;
show tables;

You should see something similar to this:

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 1828
Server version: 10.1.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 Ubuntu 18.04

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| mythconverg        |
| performance_schema |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use mythconverg;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [mythconverg]> show tables;
| Tables_in_mythconverg          |
| archiveitems                   |
| bdbookmark                     |
| callsignnetworkmap             |
| capturecard                    |
| cardinput                      |
| channel                        |
| channel_new                    |
| channelgroup                   |
| channelgroupnames              |
| channelscan                    |
| channelscan_channel            |
| channelscan_dtv_multiplex      |
| codecparams                    |
| crashed_names                  |
| credits                        |
| customexample                  |
| diseqc_config                  |
| diseqc_tree                    |
| displayprofilegroups           |
| displayprofiles                |
| dtv_multiplex                  |
| dtv_privatetypes               |
| dvdbookmark                    |
| dvdinput                       |
| dvdtranscode                   |
| eit_cache                      |
| filemarkup                     |
| gallery_directories            |
| gallery_files                  |
| gallerymetadata                |
| gamemetadata                   |
| gameplayers                    |
| housekeeping                   |
| inputgroup                     |
| internetcontent                |
| internetcontentarticles        |
| inuseprograms                  |
| iptv_channel                   |
| jobqueue                       |
| jumppoints                     |
| keybindings                    |
| keyword                        |
| livestream                     |
| logging                        |
| movies_movies                  |
| movies_showtimes               |
| movies_theaters                |
| music_albumart                 |
| music_albums                   |
| music_artists                  |
| music_directories              |
| music_genres                   |
| music_playlists                |
| music_radios                   |
| music_smartplaylist_categories |
| music_smartplaylist_items      |
| music_smartplaylists           |
| music_songs                    |
| music_stats                    |
| music_streams                  |
| mythexport                     |
| mythexport_job_queue           |
| mythlog                        |
| mythsgu_archived               |
| mythsgu_move                   |
| mythweb_sessions               |
| networkiconmap                 |
| oldfind                        |
| oldprogram                     |
| oldrecorded                    |
| oldrecorded_export             |
| people                         |
| phonecallhistory               |
| phonedirectory                 |
| pidcache                       |
| playgroup                      |
| powerpriority                  |
| powerpriority_tmp              |
| profilegroups                  |
| program                        |
| programgenres                  |
| programrating                  |
| real_names                     |
| recgrouppassword               |
| recgroups                      |
| record                         |
| record_tmp                     |
| recorded                       |
| recordedartwork                |
| recordedcredits                |
| recordedfile                   |
| recordedmarkup                 |
| recordedprogram                |
| recordedrating                 |
| recordedseek                   |
| recordfilter                   |
| recordingprofiles              |
| recordmatch                    |
| romdb                          |
| scan_channels                  |
| scannerfile                    |
| scannerpath                    |
| schemalock                     |
| settings                       |
| settings_old                   |
| storagegroup                   |
| tvchain                        |
| tvosdmenu                      |
| upnpmedia                      |
| user_permissions               |
| user_sessions                  |
| users                          |
| videocast                      |
| videocategory                  |
| videocollection                |
| videocountry                   |
| videogenre                     |
| videometadata                  |
| videometadatacast              |
| videometadatacountry           |
| videometadatagenre             |
| videopart                      |
| videopathinfo                  |
| videosource                    |
| videotypes                     |
| weatherdatalayout              |
| weatherscreens                 |
| weathersourcesettings          |
| websites                       |
129 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [mythconverg]> quit

This command will check that you can access the mythconverg database
as user "mythtv" from your PC's external IP address:

mysql -h -u mythtv -p mythconverg

The -p option will make it will ask for a password - give it the one
from /etc/mythtv/config.xml.  You may need to have the Ethernet cable
plugged in again for that command to work, depending on how you have
that Ethernet port configured.  With the Ethernet cable in, that
command should also work from your other PCs to login to the BE3 box
mythconverg database.

When logged in as user mythtv, give this command to see the grants for
the current user:

show grants;

From user mythtv, you will not be able to use the GRANT command.  You
will need to be using user root ("sudo mysql") to do that.

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