[mythtv-users] Mythtv + RPI 3

Andrew (AFPup) Stadt acstadt at stadt.ca
Wed Dec 12 18:26:12 UTC 2018

Had a left over RPI 3 B+, from another project, and having added a new 
TV to my household, decided to try and use it ( the RPI) as a new frontend.

Got it working for the most part, but having a few issues yet.

With mythfrontend, the program guide is not showing correctly, only the 
top left couple cells will populate.  The data is obviously there, as I 
can move around the grid and details will pop up correctly, but most of 
the grid is blank.

With Kodi, it takes almost 5 minutes for all the guide data to load once 
you start Kodi... I guess I could leave it on 24/7 but would rather not.

Any suggestions or pointers to look at?  My google-fu seems to be 
failing me as of late.

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