[mythtv-users] Motherboard with PCI slots and IPMI

Ben bkamen at benjammin.net
Thu Oct 26 02:33:47 UTC 2017

On 10/25/2017 09:25 PM, Rajil Saraswat wrote:
> On 10/25/2017 12:33 AM, Ben wrote:
>> Look on SuperMicro's site.
>> The board might be older (you can reference there and then hunt around the net)
>> I'm using an IPMI capable AMD Opteron 6300 MB with 3 PCI slots on it. -- H8SGL
>> I'm running a 16core 6380 w/32GB RAM and it works for me.
>> I used to run dual hdTV-5500's in it - but only have one plugged in and it's idle.
>> (I also use it as a desktop vie Xvnc to do FPGA/C dev work.)
>> of course, that's just 1 example. Check supermicro's website.
>> Cheers,
>>   -Ben
> The Supermicro X11SAE-F seems to be like what I need, however it uses
> IDT 89HMPEB383 chip to provide a bridge for the PCI slot (due to the
> lack of native chipset support). The X9SRH-7TF does have native support
> but the asking price is 500USD which seems too much for an old board.
> The H8SGL-F is ~300USD and seems a more reasonable choice. I also use my
> existing box to transcode the recording to x265 format using Handbrake.
> Is the Opteron 6380 CPU good enough for that?

(shrug) how fast do you need it done?

It's a 16core CPU. Is it the latest and greatest? no.

You could probably go with a 6320 if 8 cores is enough.

It's all about how much speed do you need.


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