[mythtv-users] Radio stream database update

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Mon Oct 16 10:55:28 UTC 2017

On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 11:04:23 +0100, you wrote:

>On 14/10/17 13:55, Paul Harrison wrote:
>> On 14/10/17 12:05, Robin Gilks wrote:
>>>> On 0.28, do I have to do anything to get this or does it get it all 
>>>> on its
>>>> own?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Robin Gilks
>>>> There is a house keeping task that should check for updates every 24hrs
>>>> IIRC and update the DB if required.
>>>> You can also just go to the stream search screen and if it detects an
>>>> update will do the update before showing the list. If you do that there
>>>> will be a longer delay than normal while the update is pulled in but the
>>>> next time will be quicker.
>>> Discovered something of interest (or not!!). I VNC'd into my main 
>>> frontend
>>> as it has no keyboard and searching for new radio stations is hard work
>>> without one and as soon as I hit the Radio Streaming page it was
>>> constantly updating. The Goom icon was updating in the bottom right 
>>> corner
>>> so I expected some activity but not the whole screen being constantly
>>> repainted.
>>> Is this acceptable behaviour?
>> That sounds like the overhead required by VNC to stream the screen 
>> rather than a problem with MythTV. MythUI does update the screen 70 
>> times a second so probably not surprising VNC can't cope especially if 
>> has to emulate OpenGL in software.
>> Paul H.
>Paul:  This looks as if it's a splendid resource, but I find it 
>difficult to get into using it.  At present, on this box, master head, 
>mine starts from a url that appears to be dead; I see big red warning 
>crosses that can only be stopped by killing the frontend and I see no 
>obvious way of dropping that url and entering another.  Another box 
>works but the search window really expects me to know what is available.
>I can get some idea of what that is by direct access to the DB:
>MariaDB [mythconverg]> select channel, description from music_streams 
>limit 100 ;
>- without the limit I get 12492 rows.
>Is there somewhere else that gives a better overview - not necessarily 
>within Myth?

The genre field helps with breaking down that long list:

MariaDB [mythconverg]> select distinct genre from music_streams order
by genre;
| genre                       |
| -                           |
| 50s/60s                     |
| 70s/80s                     |
| 90s                         |
| Adult Contemporary          |
| Adult Standards / Nostalgia |
| African                     |
| All News                    |
| Americana                   |
| Arabic                      |
| Asian                       |
| Big Band/Swing              |
| Bluegrass                   |
| Blues                       |
| Bollywood                   |
| Children                    |
| Choral-Religious            |
| Christian                   |
| Christian-Contemporary      |
| Christian-Gospel            |
| Christian-Pop Adult         |
| Classical                   |
| College/University          |
| Community                   |
| Country                     |
| Country-Classic             |
| Dance/DJ                    |
| Easy Listening              |
| Eclectic                    |
| Electronica                 |
| Electronica-Ambient         |
| Electronica-Breakbeat       |
| Electronica-Chillout        |
| Electronica-Dance/DJ        |
| Electronica-Drum & Bass     |
| Electronica-Electro         |
| Electronica-Experimental    |
| Electronica-Hard House      |
| Electronica-House           |
| Electronica-Industrial      |
| Electronica-Lounge          |
| Electronica-Techno          |
| Electronica-Trance          |
| Fajta                       |
| Folk                        |
| Funk                        |
| Hit Radio - Rock/Top 40     |
| Hits                        |
| Hits: New and Old           |
| Hot Adult Contemporary      |
| Independent                 |
| Irish/Celtic                |
| Islamic                     |
| Island                      |
| Island-Caribbean            |
| Island-Hawaii               |
| Island-Reggae               |
| Island-Reggaeton            |
| Jazz                        |
| Jazz-Classical              |
| Jazz-Easy Listening         |
| Jazz-Latin                  |
| Jazz-Smooth                 |
| Jazz-Swing                  |
| Latin                       |
| Medieval                    |
| Mexican                     |
| Middle Eastern              |
| Musical Comedy              |
| Musicals                    |
| Mystery Shows               |
| New Age                     |
| Old Time Radio              |
| Oldies                      |
| Opera                       |
| Pop                         |
| Public Radio                |
| Rap/Hip Hop                 |
| Religious-Jewish            |
| Religious-Sikhism           |
| Religious-Spiritual         |
| Rock                        |
| Rock-Alternative            |
| Rock-Classic                |
| Rock-Goth                   |
| Rock-Hair Bands             |
| Rock-Hard/Metal             |
| Rock-Heavy Metal            |
| Rock-Indie                  |
| Rock-Pop                    |
| Rock-Progressive            |
| Rock-Punk                   |
| Rock-Rockabilly             |
| Seasonal                    |
| Seasonal-Christmas          |
| Seasonal-Halloween          |
| Soft Adult Contemporary     |
| Soul/R&B                    |
| Soundtracks                 |
| Spanish                     |
| Talk                        |
| Talk-Business               |
| Talk-Comedy                 |
| Talk-Government             |
| Talk-News                   |
| Talk-Progressive            |
| Talk-Public Radio           |
| Talk-Religious              |
| Talk-Sports                 |
| Talk-Weather                |
| Tejano                      |
| Tropical                    |
| University                  |
| Urban Contemporary          |
| Variety                     |
| Western                     |
| World/Folk                  |
117 rows in set (0.04 sec)

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